[center][color=82ca9d] Uaithne CinĂ¡ed Fearghal Orvar [/color][/center] [hr] Uaithne appreciated Cassandra's take on the group. Sometimes... Well it was easy for him to see the other witchling's as they/them versus himself. But they really weren't his opponents. A lesson he should know well. He put the bitterness away, this wasn't the right time for reflection. He smiled and waved with one greasy hand at Kate, as she sat and was integrated into the conversation. He glanced across the table at Hana and Iris, but Hana seemed engrossed in whatever girly stuff they were babbling about. Looking around it was easy to see most everyone was here... Well. There was still the one gal up on the porch... A mischievous grin spread across Uaithne's face as he thought about that. Before Kate could answer Cassandra, he interjected a quick excuse to remove himself from the conversation. [color=82ca9d]"I will be right back, don't start anything exciting without me. "[/color] Uaithne guzzled his tea, drinking a full half of the pitcher, before picking up his, mostly cleaned, fifth plate and heading off towards the house. He dumped the empty paper plate in one of the many trash cans set out. A quick glance around and Uaithne picked a path that wandered around clumps of witches without getting snagged for a chat. His short stature helped, his quiet and languid pace combined a muted aura, left him... Unimportant to most observers. Though a few recognized what he was doing, they were able to figure out why easy enough and watched with mild amusement... He was nearly at the porch. He caught a glimpse of Maggie, nose in a book, and smiled... There was just a hint of something feral in it, and it faded faster than the smile. Uaithne looked away, hoping Maggie hadn't noticed the weight of his gaze. Staring had been a mistake... But maybe, just maybe, she was ignoring the world around her and would chalk it up to 'just another glance from mother.' He approached quietly from behind, ducking between the shrubs and the house. His feet making less sound than the birds. Still he avoided looking at Maggie, as he crept up the outside railing adjacent to the one she was sitting on. With one last glance to measure distance and angles, he moved in a cat like pounce up to perch on the railing behind and to the right side of Maggie as she leaned against the corner post. As he landed he parked his face next to her right ear and peered at the book while asking an simple question in his usual quite tone. [color=82ca9d]"Nice book, what's it about?"[/color] Uaithne expected to startle Maggie, and was prepared to keep her from falling off the porch should she be particularly startled... He was also ready to catch the book if it got dropped. [hr] [center][color=82ca9d][b]Speaks with[/b]:[/color] [color=dcdcdc]Cassandra[/color] [@blackdragon], [color=5df578]Kate[/color] [@sassy1085], & [color=aca1cd]Maggie[/color] [@melissa] [/center] [center][color=82ca9d][b]Mentions[/b]: None. [/color][/center]