[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4p81dLc.png[/img][color=yellow][b][h1]...[/h1][/b][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/q6XCrw5.png[/img] [hr][b][color=yellow]ALRIGHT LET'S BEGIN![/color][/b][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/yXepx1q.png[/img][/center] [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/KDAfwWY.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/Z4el5AL.png[/img][hr][hider=Sonic Adventure DX Music: E102 Gamma][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2sOpyF1nF4[/youtube][/hider][hr][/center] [center][quote][b][code]> Booting systems... ... ... ... > All systems are at 100% operational levels. > Inquiry? > Open new document file. > Rename file? > Yes. > Final Test Log. > Backup file? > Yes. [/code][/b][/quote][/center] It was a midsummer day, however for beings like Oh-One they were hardly affected by the raging cold winds. It was difficult to see given how thick the fog was, but again, for beings like Oh-One, they had other ways to circumvent it. The mechanical monster approached his magnum opus, constructed in secrecy by hundreds of drones while he hunted down the power stone. Which glew a green color in his hand as he walked up... he activated his Hi-boosters as he took to the sky. Floating up towards his creation... a massive mechanical tower that scratched high enough to touch the heavens. It was still having the finishing touches applied to it, but otherwise, it was [i]complete[/i]. If he could feel anything, it would be pride. Or perhaps even [i]joy[/i]. And that was the problem. And that was why Oh-One was doing all of this in the first place. To finally feel. Oh-One floated to the exposed core of the machine... and pulled out the power stone. The strange artifact floated into his machine and then the thing began activating. The gears turned as it spun and started glowing with red energy. The machine's core closed as it began to charge... but it won't be long until it's fully charged and the lines between man and flesh will be blurred. And in that blurring of the lines, Oh-One will finally be able to feel... However, he would have to defend his perfection. Oh-One made plenty of enemies, but they'll appreciate him when he evolves them past the limits of flesh. Past the limits of their magic and technology... on his sensors he detected something. And he turned around to see [url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/127/070/large/mathieu-lamble-pllanecargio.jpg?1443930748]a fleet of massive planes[/url] with the MAVERICK symbol on the side approaching rapidly. They'd probably be here within minutes... of course... [center][quote][b][code]> Overclock systems? Y/N? > Y. > Overclocking... [/code][/b][/quote][/center] Oh-One placed both of his hands together as he began to brightly glow with a red light... he aimed them at the fleet that was heading his way. The sheer heat he was giving off instantly melted the ice around him before he fired an [i]enormous[/i] beam of red energy that cut through the air at lightning speeds. The red light was absolutely [i]blinding[/i] and the ground shook and rumbled as the beam finally made it to the planes. The first one it hit instantly exploded as it burst into flames and hit the ground hard and Oh-One brought the beam to the side as it vaporized the plane next to it. The other planes attempted evasive maneuvers but the plane immediately to the right was blown in half and crashed into the plane next to that one. Bringing it down. The beam faded... and left an enormous path of destruction straight to him. And Oh-One didn't mind one bit. He could detect Nomads on the horizon, heading towards him. [center][quote][b][code]> Let them come? Y/N? > Y. [/code][/b][/quote][/center] [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/IaMIp5e.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/pgOGtMj.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/4MYPeAu.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/iKEMauz.png[/img] [hr][/center] It wasn't quite a routine mission, but the boss put a whole lot of effort into saying how fucking important this mission was. They had like a fleet of planes that were loaded with MAVERICK soldiers... including himself. He had on his [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/d5429c62-0654-460b-92db-7604bdbf1a66/daajx08-e4d38269-5168-4693-8b6e-5f5237e0859d.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_678,q_75,strp/sci_fi_soldier_by_jeffchendesigns_daajx08-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD02NzgiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC9kNTQyOWM2Mi0wNjU0LTQ2MGItOTJkYi03NjA0YmRiZjFhNjZcL2RhYWp4MDgtZTRkMzgyNjktNTE2OC00NjkzLThiNmUtNWY1MjM3ZTA4NTlkLmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.94ra06q_YfZFEVOMsuQS1agb8ivEGFb5D4yDMLjTzMk]full gear[/url] and had a rifle in hand. Ready to fight the robotic menace known as... Oh-One? Honestly, he didn't know. He just did whatever the hell they told him to do, that's how he kept getting paid. [sup][sup][sup][sup][sup][sup]But never laid.[/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup] Just had to wait... the plane was approaching- "Hey, who the hell are you?" He heard in the cargo decks... followed by the sound of metal pounding against each other. He saw another MAVERICK trooper sliding against the floor as he heard footsteps approaching. A blonde-haired cyborg walked up with another blonde-haired chick in another dress. Immediately, he aimed his gun at him. "Freeze!" Before he could pull the trigger, the cyborg ran up and kicked the rifle out of his hand with an ax-kick assisted by some kinda blue energy. The weapon hit the ground with a thud as the last thing he saw was the kid's fist. [hr] "... Couldn't we have picked a [i]better[/i] way of getting here?" Justin asked as he gripped his wrist with his other hand... which was a bit bloody as he stood over the dead guy. This plan could have gone a bit better. Well, no, it could have gone a [i]lot[/i] better. Justin looked at Oh-Seven who stood to his side with a smile on her face. Justin shook his head as he continued. "Like maybe you could have done your little jet thing and I could have ridden you." And Oh-Seven giggled like a twelve-year-old that heard their first dick joke. "Oh, not like [i]t-that,[/i]" Justin shook his head. "What are you? [i]Twelve?[/i]" Oh-Seven's eyes flew a bright blue color as she laughed, "Well, I [i]am[/i] only a year old," Oh-Seven chuckled as Justin rolled his eyes. She gave the unconscious guy a good kick as she said, "Now, let's stuff them somewhere and find somewhere to wait out-" "... We got intruders!" Another pair of MAVERICK grunts shouted as they aimed their guns at them. "Oh, you were saying?" Justin said with a catty grin as he turned towards them. "Shoot those guns, we're both doomed, bud. So, it's your funeral." He chuckled. The second that last laugh left his mouth he closed the distance and threw a kick at one of the MAVERICK agent's stomachs and sent him flying backward. His partner tried to hit him with his rifle but Justin caught the butt with his hand and punched him in the face. Before he grabbed him and chucked him. Justin glanced over his shoulder to see Oh-Seven... doing nothing. "Hey, why are you just standing there? Do something?!" He said. "Sorry," Oh-Seven chuckled as she did finger guns. "If I shoot these guns we're both doomed, bud." Justin sighed. A group of a lot more MAVERICK soldiers approached... then there was that red light coming from the window. The massive laser beam that cuts through the planes like hot butter. Oh-Seven covered her mouth as she said. "... Oh-One." The plane flew to the side to avoid the chaos but they couldn't avoid being hit by the adjacent plane. The wing was completely snapped in half and the plane began its descent. While spinning. Justin was being knocked all over the place along with the MAVERICKs... but Oh-Seven merely activated her jet-boost and floated. Her right hand transformed into a rocket launcher as she fired a red-tipped missile which blew them an exit. They were sucked right on out due to wind pressure and Justin was falling to the ground, wondering what the hell he did in a past life as he fell. However, he felt Oh-Seven's arm around his as he stopped falling. He looked up to see Oh-Seven's gentle smile and she assured him with, "I got yo-" As it turned out, she didn't. A cargo box hit her and the two were sent falling towards the ground and Justin couldn't help but roll his eyes. They were sent downwards spiraling, but Justin grabbed onto Oh-Seven with one hand and stuck the other hand out. He fired a blue blast of energy that was powerful enough to shoot him in the other direction for just one moment... before they hit the ground much lighter than before. The plane that they stowed away in crashed and loudly exploded in a wreath of flames. The two looked on. "Wow," Oh-Seven said, "... I hope they got out of that before it crashed." Justin had his arm still wrapped around Oh-Seven... as she warmly nuzzled her cheek against his and made him a little bit uncomfortable. He quickly rolled off and hopped to his feet as he looked around. He saw it... Oh-One's [i]machine[/i], as he called it. The one thing that they had to destroy before he, well, destroyed the world. Sounded easy? Well, Oh-One was a murder bot that could take on even the strongest Nomads... and they were going at him with a half-baked plan. Justin dusted himself off as he looked on. Well, at least Justin knows if they die, in the middle of an arctic wasteland, at least they [i]tried[/i]. Maybe the grim reaper will pin a medal for participation on his chest. Justin sighed as he put his hands in his pockets... before he felt Oh-Seven's hand around his. "... Let's go, Justin." Justin shook his head as he faced the tower. "Yeah, we got ourselves a robot to fuck up." Oh-Seven crossed her arms and pouted. "... Uh, an [i]evil[/i] robot." "That's better." Justin and Oh-Seven sprinted off towards the tower.