[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200403/86a03f169e5f776a56136c9464b0a41f.png[/img] As Patricia began to sing, Vinnie's face scrunched up for a moment before relaxing, turning to Patricia with a cold expression on his face, lifting his foot off Blake's ribcage and swinging his arm at Patricia. Despite a lack of actual force behind it, his heavy muscular arm's momentum was still enough to cause a [i]crack[/i] as he backhanded Patricia, as if he was swatting away a particularly annoying fly. [color=gray]"Well, I guess you get to join the painful death club. Wouldn't want to be you!"[/color] Vinnie prepared for another punch before Blake jumped onto Vinnie like an angry bearcat, wrapping an arm around his neck and pulling him to the ground. Vinnie hit the ground with a [i]thud,[/i] but his arm shot out, pulling Blake down with him. He casually rolled to his stomach before clawing at Blake, wrestling with the redheaded hero. Blake might have been a varsity athlete in high school and was still in very good shape, but Vinnie could very well find a career in professional weightlifting if peddling cocaine wasn't more profitable, and Blake was quickly tossed aside like a ragdoll, rolling through the grass in pain. [color=CC5500]"Patti, you [i]idiot...[/i]"[/color] Blake grumbled as he rolled on the grass. He looked blearily over at Vinnie, who was standing as if nothing was happening. Blake also noticed a strange red fog that had begun to materialize around Vinnie. Great, so he had some type of magic fog power too. As Vinnie looked about to turn Patricia into liquid pulp, something strange happened. Vinnie began to cough, and then wheeze, all in short succession. As the red fog that Blake assumed was Vinnie's doing wrapped around the massive mobster, Vinnie's reaction worsened more an dmore, to the point at which he was grasping at his throat desperately, his breath staggered as he began to break out in hives. Blake, who was slowly getting to his knees, then drew the conclusion- this was definitely not part of his powers. Something was happening to Vinnie right now, something very negative. Vinnie turned to look back at the house, his eyes going to the roof, and Blake's eyes followed his up to the rooftop, where a pale, black-haired girl with bright red eyes was standing confidently on the eaves of the roof, the red smog emanating from her body. So [i]she[/i] was their savior. Strange, Blake did not recognize that girl remotely. Maybe she was a new recruit from HERO? Still, that seemed strange that she was being sent out on a mission so soon...still, Blake was not complaining. By all means! The more the merrier. The girl had a strange creature perched on her shoulder, though, and she seemed a bit off-putting, but a lot of people seemed off-putting. There was a guy in HERO named Actual Death; this was small potatoes compared to him. The dark-haired girl looked over at Vinnie, who was currently on the ground, choking, his body covered in rashes and hives. [color=gray]"You b-bitch...traitor...what have you done to me?"[/color] Kat looked at her nails. [color=crimson]"Just triggered some histamines. Shouldn't have told me about that anaphylaxis,"[/color] she said with a smile. [color=crimson]"And I [i]did[/i] betray you! Following orders."[/color] She glanced over at Bellatrix, the smiling Spectator, on her shoulder, before proceeding to give an eerie giggle. Blake felt shivers down his spine. This girl was weird. Very weird. He watched as the girl looked over at Patricia with a grin. [color=crimson]"Saved you again, Patricia. You owe me one. Two, actually,"[/color] she said, her smile radiating a sort of creepy energy. [color=crimson]"I hope you consider my offer. With the two of our powers combined, we'll be unstoppable."[/color] The three eerie eyes (those of Katharine and the single eye of Bellatrix) looked down at Patricia as Kat flicked down a small, white envelope, Patricia's name written in loopy, precise letters on the back in remarkable calligraphy. [color=crimson]"Bye,"[/color] she said, turning around, and after flashing Patricia one last grin, she hopped across the rooftop nimbly, vanishing soon after. Blake, his brain failing to process this data overload, quickly scuffled over to Vinnie, who was literally foaming at the mouth. He rolled Vinnie over onto his back. The mobster, whose clothes were already tattered from Blake's vicious, fire-fueled attack, looked suddenly beaten up, his eyes staring vacantly upwards, his neck swollen like a bullfrog, his skin patched with clusters of brilliant red hives everywhere, frothy drool dribbling from his lips. Blake frowned. [color=CC5500]"Hey there, you big oaf, let's haul you off, you have a prison cell to get to."[/color] Vinnie coughed some spittle up, his eyes still having that blank expression. [color=gray]"Sal...Tommy..."[/color] he croaked, before he gave another violent cough, before his head tilted to the side weakly. Blake instinctively lowered his hands to his neck, pressing two fingers there. Nothing. Dead. Whoever that girl was, she finished the job here. Blake's eyes looked up to Patricia. [color=CC5500]"Made some new friends?"[/color] he asked as he looked down at Vinnie again. [color=CC5500]"Dead,"[/color] he said in explanation, placing two fingers against Vinnie's eyelids and lowering them. The hulking mountain of a man killed by an allergic reaction. How ironic. [hider=Patricia's Letter] Inside the envelope was a folded piece of paper, that looked like a tax return. The tax return seemed pretty normal, but on the back, written in remarkably elaborate calligraphy with a nice fountain pen, was the following note: [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200620/6866cee1f3d68863d0f2a7cf2ff26c6e.png[/img] [/hider] [@canaryrose][@KaijuBaragon][@Amethyst] [/center][hr][hr]