Isaiah eventually found the doctor's office through his daydreaming and more or less annoying whomever he could see where he was going. Knocking on the door to wait for his 'appointment,' was it an appointment, or was it just an inspection. The sound at the door roused Lazarus from the data entry terminal he'd been provided, and had been using to log the last patient's record. Rising to his feet and smoothing out his coat, he stepped around to the other side of the terminal's desk and called out in a stern, yet polite tone. "You may enter." Isaiah's head popped out from the corner of doorway as someone had exited some minute or so before without his noticing. "Is this the office for a physical? I was told I was supposed to have another this cycle." he said entering as he stood a foot or so in the doorway hoping he would not have to have a physical training test as well. The young man looked more, enlisted then he did an officer, as well as high strung and empty of life and energy. His undershirt was pulled out some due to movement of trying to find office, and he also had a belief that at this moment, he needed not to wear his uniform properly. "Ah, yes. You must be Ensign Hussian. Excellent. I am Doctor Lazarus Germael. Captain Livingstone is having me perform a part-medical examination part-interview for his 'handpicked crew' as he put it." Stepping up to the man and stepping aside to invite him into the room proper, closing the door behind him when he'd step inside. "If you have any initial questions, ask them now, otherwise I'd like to begin." He nodded when he said handpicked and he looked at the room before stepping inside, "None really... I assume it's all the same procedures that the navy uses unless if there is some height enforcement." He stopped and he turned around once in the near center of the room, "but since I am 'hand picked' I assume I don't have to worry about it." he said putting emphasis on the handpicked. "Right...I assure you, no different than any other medical examination. If anything it might be briefer than previous ones." stepping past the lad and rustling through assorted medicae equipment, he'd pull out a device resembling a dataslate, holding it before him with its back turned to Isaiah, tapping away at the screen as he continued. "Right, first things first: Any food or medicinal allergies?" "None that I can think of other then the winter fruit from my home world's northern lake." Isaiah said as his head turned to follow the man, "but that's almost impossible to find off planet." He thought for a second and shrugged, "Implants... it usually kills my family, but that hasn't been tested in about a hundred years since my family doesn't allow implants of any kind, even if we have a lacking of an appendage." It was probably superstition but he would rather not have to deal with the painful death he was told he would have. "No implants. Understood." Continuing to type away at the dataslate, and without looking up, he'd ask "How about preexisting medicae conditions? Are there any you have that you require or would like to request treatment for? His typing on the dataslate would pause following the question, the slight shifting of his head the only indication that, behind his reflective lenses, the doctor was looking to the young man rather than the device in his hands. Isaiah sighed softly as shook his head, "Not at all... liquor consumption if anything, aside from that I do not have any preexisting conditions or ailments. And I have no need for anything other then liquor, which I am sure I can find my own prescription for that in the cargo hold or requisition..." Lazarus rolled his eyes underneath his eyewear. "I'm sure you can." After yet more data entry into the handheld slate, he'd set it aside and touch the tips of his fingers together in a gesture held aloft directly in front of him. "Now, we like to keep a blood sample of every crewmember aboard in the event the information is needed for a blood transfusion or genetic identification. Is there any reason this cannot be done in your case?" "I have not intoxicated myself in months so I see no reason that it cannot be done." he said with a slight smile, "but take it from my left arm... the vein on my right arm is hard to see, the last physical where blood was drawn took about an hour as he refused to look on my left arm." "Right then, let's get it over with, shall we?" Gathering up the necessary tools, Lazarus would step over and carefully prepare the vein on the man's left arm before drawing the needed blood sample. Once it was finished he'd carefully set it aside to be labeled in full after their meeting. "Now, do you have any other concerns you wish to bring to my attention before we finish up?" Isaiah shook his head, "I am surprised there was no other test, just blood and a few questions... normally this would last for an hour with me standing behind a screen as you looked through me..." he thought about the last time and sighed, "well... if there is nothing else, then may I head out, I am sure I am not needed anywhere but here since the cargo bay's are well supplied with men to make my job as annoying as possible." Gesturing to the dataslate he had been holding earlier, Lazarus said firmly "The majority of the biometrics were handled by that, essentially a smaller version of the scanning screens and such. The rest was handled by trained visual analysis." He'd lower his glasses for a brief moment, making eye contact with the man before pushing them back up. "Best of luck with the cargo crew. I'm all to familiar with some of the more...rabble-like on the crew can be." "I've been on this ship... a day or so now maybe, those cargo haulers and servitors are fools, I don't know how they could find anything aside from their own lockers and bunks, or charging ports..." he looked at the little machine, "that is incredibly useful... and probably extremely expensive, so... just make sure it doesn't break or go haywire, I heard there are some members of the Cult Mechanicus on the ship, and well... you know how they are when things like that come out. Or I am just from some back water pleasure world, and was stationed on some backwater station in the middle of no where." "Indeed. Well, I wish you a good day, and if anything comes up and you need my assistance, be sure to come at your earliest convenience." Lazarus would gesture to the entryway before turning back to take his place at the data terminal again, needing to enter in Isaiah's record updates. "Well... If you too need anything, just come and find me, or send someone... but I shall come if needed." he said as he went into the office, and he turned back, "And if you find what the blue epidermal covering is on... I don't know the individual, then tell me, it would look gorgeous on some people I know back home, unless if takes away the nose and ask if the skin holster can be placed on the back of the head instead of where the bridge line of the nose should be, I am sure it can be hidden with a beautiful wig or covering." That was all he could think of for things he needed at the moment, so he would soon leave the office as well and head out to continue his work, of doing something that he barely understood because of the previous occupants of the cargo bay and their backwards way (depending on the person) of sorting, and placing items. Lazarus would chuckle to himself as the young officer mentioned the previous patient he had seen today. Hopefully the others coming into contact with her would make the same mistake and simply see her as an extravagant human. As Isaiah left the makeshift office, the doctor continued to enter his records, as well as personal notes on the man, into his data terminal, awaiting the next arrival on the list.