[Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200312/bd228c426d0da7459764cb788d45b1cd.png[/img] [Sub].:⋮Reforged⋮:.[/Sub] [/center] Penny would take one last look at the mirror, her smile still tugging away at her lips as she appreciated her new look. It felt right, she finally felt like she belonged in her own skin, granted she didn’t truly have skin anymore, but that didn’t diminish the sensation. With a nod to her reflection she would walk out of the bathroom in the interdimensional apartment, stepping over the shattered remnants of the door, and move towards the front door. As she walked she reflected on the fact that it seemed the anger issues were in fact hers rather than Jason’s, but that realization also brought a smile to her lips, even as she surveyed the demolished apartment. It was a stroke of luck that she had used the red coin here. The emotional rollercoaster would have been devastating out in Penrose. For it was not only the pain of Chloe betraying her human half that was dealt with, but also a much more subtle and longer hidden betrayal that had been uncovered. Stopping at the door Penny would pick up the small backpack she had dug out of what was once her room. In it were the few small things that she still wanted to keep from this place. It held a few of her favorite tee shirts, the beginning of a handmade metal chess set, a golden necklace, and the doll she had recently purchased. Checking one last time to make sure that everything was in the bag Penny would once again turn her eyes towards the ravaged dwelling. She had no idea if the damage would stay, magical homes weren’t likely to obey any rules that one should expect after all, but she hopped it did. For she had left a note, pinned to the mostly intact coffee table, her thoughts towards Chloe laid bare for the darkened girl to see if she were ever to come back. Her key to this place impaled into the wood keeping the note in place. Though she was rather sure that the destruction she had wrote would tell the message well enough on her own. She didn’t want to leave anything unvoiced, even if only in writing, for she was done with Chloe, done with a lot of how she used to be as well. And it would be within this little pocket of elsewhere she would leave behind her. Finally she would turn and walk away from the wreckage. Her smile never wavering as she found herself once again within Penrose her eyes would flicker as she reestablished her connection to the various systems and networks within the city. [color=9e0039][u][b]”All systems are green”[/b][/u][/color] She would say to herself as her hover jets would flare to life [color=9e0039][u][b]“Time to get to work”[/b][/u][/color] With that she would race off, using her newly acquired information network to find those that were in need of help. [hr] [Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191205/1259dabf7c97e732c0ddd286dc20d72f.png[/img] [sub] >>Merry Maiden?<<[/sub] [/center] Viva was a touch annoyed if she was being honest. She had been looking forward to tearing the Ent things heart into tiny scraps with her teeth, but someone else had chosen to intervene and had blown out the things torso. Normally that wouldn’t have annoyed Viva, she liked watching gore splatter as much as the next monstergirl after all, the critical difference was the fact that she had also nearly been blown away by said attack. Granted it had also blown out all of the fire, which helped Viva relax, but still she had lost her hand due to that. Pouring out of the newly formed gaping chest wound Viva was fully prepared to start unloading gunshots at whoever it was that nearly killed her. Even as she leeched the dead flesh from Grosket’s corpse into patching up what wounds she had suffered, which was more the result of being engulfed in the fire and subsequent magical assault that ripped away her hand. So imagine her surprise when she found herself swept off her feet and being carried to safety. Which as a quick glance over her saviors shoulder told her was away from the growing number of Beacon members. [color=#652DC1]”Sure know how to sweep a girl of her feet ”[/color] Viva would find herself saying before she put much thought into the situation even as she refocused onto Reaver. [color=#652DC1]”Got to say I’m digging the blood drenched look”[/color] she would go on to say as she suppressed the urge to lick her lips. Thankfully she had just had a few bites to eat so it wasn’t too difficult, but a small part in the back of her mind was cringing never the less. She was flirting with her own son, it felt both wrong and right, and that same small part wondered if she had been spending too much time in Mothers Company. [color=#652DC1]“This should help out a bit”[/color] she would go on to say attaching her healing amulet to the front of Reavers gorget. She could try and heal him herself, but she doubted that he would enjoy the feeling of his skin and muscles being individually stitched back together, nor the crawling static that came with her reinforcement. Never the less she would loop her arms around his neck as he carried her off to who knows where content to be carried, because why not? She could always spawn her Bike if they needed to get away faster after all. [hr] [Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180715/2faf224be0a0f6df351a8560c77e7562.png[/img] [Sub] -=Ǝ No Rest for the Weary E=- [/Sub] [/center] Despite the fact he was still recovering, despite the fact his arm had only recently been reattached, despite the fact he was more or less running on empty. Kyle found himself waking up from his short nap, brimming with restlessness. A quick look around the medical ward told him the reason why as well. There was a steady stream of wounded Beacon members being brought in, and with their arrival came the flow of emotions that were always attached to such events came with them. With a mumbled [color=57441E]‘Damn it all’[/color] Kyle would push himself up to a stand and slip in alongside the normal people stationed to work this area. He wasn’t in so bad a shape that he couldn’t help move supplies around, to be an extra hand if someone needed it. [hr] [sub]None & [@AtomicNut] & None [/sub]