Welp, here goes nothin'. If I need to change anything or add any more information, please don't hesitate to PM me. [hider=Matt Jacob] [center][h1]Matthew Kellen "Matt" Jacob[/h1] 16/Male/Heterosexual - born March 3, 1969[/center] [img]https://imgur.com/3hwO3Qm.png[/img] [h3][u]Physical Appearance[/u][/h3] Matt stands at an unimposing 5’9”, but makes up for his height and slender, wiry build with the quiet intensity of his gray eyes. His hair is dark brown and quite curly, and he keeps it short so that it stays manageable. His skin is smooth and fair and mostly clear, though occasionally marred for a few days by one or two angry red welts, much to his impotent frustration. Though he is thin and not very strong, he isn’t entirely unathletic - he excels at sprinting and was moderately good at soccer and track, though he was never the star athlete in either and gradually lost interest in both shortly after entering high school. [h3][u]History & Character[/u][/h3] Matt is responsible, grounded, and self-reliant to a fault, often regarded as an “old soul.” In addition, he excels academically and has a generally friendly, if quiet, demeanour. In any other school, at any other time, he might have been one of the popular kids. An only child of a couple struggling regularly with poverty and even more often with their own marriage, Matt had to cope with rarely getting any attention from his parents and was often found anywhere but his own home, be it exploring the countryside or at school functions. When he was 12, his family moved from southern Georgia to Crestwood Hollow for work-related reasons, and though their financial situation improved slightly, his parents’ marriage was strained even further. Matt found solace in school, but didn’t find himself connecting with his peers at all. Because of his upbringing, he had always had trouble making and keeping friendships, and he didn’t deal well with change in the best of cases. Moving schools at such a crucial time in his life meant Matt had never quite found his footing again in his personal life, and he began to take on a reputation as a loner, always pleasant but consistently keeping classmates at arm’s length and letting any growing connections slip away. He was comfortable with being by himself most of the time, filling free hours after school with a number of odd jobs to gain just a little spending cash, but an inner part of him would always long for the attention and approval he never quite got enough of when he was younger. Matt’s hobbies include cycling, drawing and photography. Though he’s generally serious-minded, he has a dry sense of humor that pops up from time to time. [h3][u]Relationship to Vanessa[/u][/h3] Vanessa was the first and probably the only person Matt felt comfortable calling his best friend since he moved to Crestwood Hollow. Unlike the rest of the people he met in his middle school class, they had an instant connection. Nobody else had been patient enough to wear down the considerable boundaries he had put up just after moving, either, and the convenience of living in the same neighborhood had them often wandering the city together after school. After moving up to high school, however, separate classes, groups of acquaintances, and future interests gradually pushed them apart, and the distance between the once close friends was great enough that Matt hadn’t actually spoken to Vanessa in several days before her murder. Nevertheless, the death shook him to his core, and he’s spent the ensuing time plagued by guilt for not being there when she needed him. He’s resolved himself to bring her justice, but is internally tearing himself up with frustration for not even knowing where to start... [h3][u]Hyperhuman Abilities[/u][/h3] [indent][b]Temperature Control[/b]: Matt is able to manipulate the flow of thermal energy within any solid object he can see or touch. His power is greatly increased when he can directly touch something, even allowing him to melt and reshape metal or flash-freeze organic matter. Farther away, his grasp on temperature becomes more and more tenuous. Perhaps because of his abilities, he has developed some resistance to temperature beyond that of an ordinary human being. He can touch scalding surfaces with only mild discomfort, walk through the snow barefoot wearing a t-shirt and shorts, and fall asleep inside a parked car in the summertime. Laying a hand on whatever object he’s changing the temperature of and feeling what would to anyone else be searing heat or freezing cold only seems to send waves of tingling excitement throughout his body.[/indent] [/hider]