Sorry for the wait, but Kevin Carter is here. [hider=KC][center][h3]KEVIN MITCHELL CARTER[/h3][/center][hr] [center][img][/img][/center] [sup][center] ✦ October 18 1967 (17) ✦ Male ✦ Straight ✦ Caucasian ✦[/center][/sup] [b]HYPER HUMAN ABILITIES[/b] [indent] Electromagnetism Manipulation: [/indent] Kevin has the ability to generate, shape, and manipulate electromagnetism. He's basically a super intense battery. One that he has no true understanding of. He's only come to learn about the electric nature of his abilities and believes that's where it stops. But unknown to him there's so much more that he's capable of or one day will be. As his abilities start to manifest he'll become able to consistently generate electricity within his body. As he describes it, it feels like his body is in a state of constant charge. While this is true there is a limit that he can hold within his body before he's forced to discharge. This can be a harmless practice of just releasing the electricity or it could result in an overload. This outcome seems to happen more when he absorbs electricity from whatever's around him to add to his own storage of power. Kevin's electric powers don't just stop there. He'll be able to use his powers both offensively and defensively, but it'll take him sometime to learn the latter. He would however learn rather quickly that he can unleash arcs of electrified energy from his hands and fingers. As his Hypergene continues to develop and his control over his abilities grows he'll gain mastery over the entire electromagnetic spectrum. [b]BACKSTORY[/b] [indent]The Day The Earth Stood Still. Or like Kevin likes to call it, the day he was born. Normally being born during a total lunar eclipse would have been something to brag about, but it was also the night his mother died. The doctors were in the middle of performing a cesarean section when the blackout causing storm hit the planet. He had successfully made it into the world, but it took too long for the hospital's backup generators to turn on to save his mother. The death of his mother coupled with the Dark Eclipse was enough to change Kevin's originally kindhearted father. He lost his heart and was left with a painful reminder of the darkest time of his life. Despite this he had a rather normal upbringing for the first few years. Strange things seemed to happen around the house and to Kevin specifically in his developing years. He was never quite sure if his father ever took notice because by the time he was five he started to develop a slight drinking problem and remained aloof to whatever Kevin had going on. This lack of supervision forced him to become resourceful and adventurous just to save his wandering mind from boredom. And although it's a small town Crestwood Hollow had a lot of things for a young kid to get into. One of those things just happened to be trouble. And a lot of it. By the time he entered middle school he was known as the town troublemaker, but he didn't feel like that was fair. Handed his cards in life you'd do a lot to not die from boredom too. His father on the other hand didn't understand his train of thought and decided now was as good of a time as any to start disciplining him. The only problem was that his idea of discipline was found at the bottom of a bottle and the end of his fist. Kevin wasn't sure if it was because he made them the talk of the town elderly or because he started to look a lot like his mother. He couldn't confirm it but he was sure it was the latter or a combination of both. Personally it didn't matter to him either way. His dad was just going to be an asshole and if he was going to get beat regardless he might as well continue to have fun. The beatings stopped the summer after eighth grade. Kevin had experienced a sizable growth spurt that put him closer to his father's height. With the fight potentially more even his father started to back off but was still rather verbally abusive. So when Kevin started high school at Mather Memorial he decided to use any excuse that he could to stay away from home. This led him down the path of school sanctioned extracurriculars. Most teachers and club advisors heard of his reputation from the middle school. That permanent record really did follow you. He was ready to give up all hope until he was approached by the track coach who had heard how he was basically turned down by every club or program in the school. He told Kevin to put that athletic build of his to good use start running towards something and not away. Kevin was almost a natural. Running came easy to him and his stamina was exceptional. In his sophomore year his coach convinced him to join the Cross Country team as well giving him another reason to stay away from home. He took up the offer and started bringing the school victory after victory. As the years passed he buried his delinquent past and even the teachers saw and acknowledged his growth. Some even feeling ashamed for turning him away when he so obviously wanted to change. His school life had improved but his home life was still pretty shit. When senior year started Kevin spent more time at school after his practices let out and either continued training or just wandered around the field and campus. He met Vanessa one fateful night after winning another cross country meet. The team was out celebrating, but he wanted to be alone. His victories started feeling hollow. He had no one he could genuinely share them with. His team was cool and all, but he didn't really feel connected to them. That no matter what he went through with them he could always feel that he was different. And not in the High School social circle kind of way. He couldn't explain it but he always felt like he was different from other people and that his purpose wasn't to be stuck in this little town. And the one person that would've probably understood him has been dead for as long as he's been alive. Kevin was starting to leave when he noticed someone standing in the school football field. She wasn't doing anything. She was just standing there. His mind was telling him to leave her and go home. But another part of him drew him closer to her before he realized that his feet were walking on their own. She seemed to be in a daze as well and didn't notice him approach her. He startled her when he touched her shoulder. A long conversation started with them asking each other what they were doing there. Neither wanted to give an actual answer so they just talked about literally anything else. A couple weeks went on and they met up frequently like this up until her death and he may have been the last person to see her alive.[/indent] [b]OTHER SKILLS[/b] [indent][list][*]Running (Stamina): Kevin has spent his entire High School career on the Track and Cross Country teams at Mather Memorial. He's built up a lot of stamina over the years and toned his already athletic body to near perfection for his age and size. [*]Resilient: Kevin can take a beating better than most. His middle school years prepared him for the adult world of heavy fists and drunk men. Now he has no problem taking on the attacks of those his age and can stand up to stronger assailants. Even though he never fought his father back he knows how to fight back and won't just let someone that's not related to him beat on him.[/list][/indent] [b]WEAKNESSESS[/b] [indent][list][*]Loveless Child: Kevin has never felt the love of a parent and his grandparents died before he was born. He grew up not really having anyone to turn to and in some ways it stunted his emotional growth. [*]Permanent Delinquent: Although Kevin has made a considerable effort to change his reputation around the town the old bags never forget a first impression. So whenever he walks around town some people still assume that he's up to no good.[/list][/indent] [b]RELATIONSHIP TO VANESSA[/b] [indent]Vanessa was one of the only people that Kevin truly felt connected to and he hates that their friendship or whatever it was, was as short lived as it was. She was the only person he opened up to about his mother and how his life has been with his father. That he felt lost in this world and that something inside of him was fighting to break free. Vanessa understood all too well the latter of what he was feeling. She had been feeling the same way and the first answer to her many questions came to her one day. She felt as if Kevin had the same answer to his questions and on their final rendezvous she decided to show him her ability. And for the first time in his life Kevin didn't feel the urge to run. He felt home. Unfortunately that feeling was short lived as the next day it was announced that Vanessa was dead and he had a feeling it was his fault.[/indent] [/hider]