Penny considered her options. Splitting up wasn't ideal in her opinion, but that Hellmouth guy was already heading off down the beach before she could raise an objection. "I'm better equipped for the bush." She said, whipping up her sword toward the jungle. "Plus, I bet there's a ton of stuff to gather in there." "And more dangers could await within!" Gawain added, standing triumphantly at her side and mirroring her pose. "Wild beasts, brigands, unseemly monsters. It is our duty o ensure no such danger threatens the beach." "Right, that too I guess." Penny replied, visibly more nervous. "But I don't think we're gonna need you for that Gawain." She made a shooing motion over the miniature Knight with her hand. Gawain started to glow, parts of his body flaking off of him into glowing pellets of starlight. He sheathed his sword. "Ah, but of course my lord. The honor of this hunt should be all yours. If you have need of me again, simply call my name and I will rush to your si-" He didn't get to finish before fading out completely, disappearing back to wherever it was that they came from. Avalon? Maybe. Either way as soon as Penny felt the energy strain of the knight get lifted off her back she slammed her sword into the dirt. Her five workers exploded out of the ground around them like landmines, little hands grasping greedily for something to be put in them. "These guys will do a little better than palm leaves, I think. Welp, c'mon! Let's go see what we can find." Penny marched off toward the treeline, the workers following behind her in a V formation. "We can probably do little cabins if we cut down enough of these trees," she said, slashing at the undergrowth to clear an easier path as they trekked into the jungle. The sword cleaved through the plant matter like it wasn't even there, barely even making a sound as it glided through them. "Maybe even a raft. But maybe we got lucky, and whatever put us here brought along some of the resort proper we can stay in."