[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Qvm9ihS.png[/img][/center] [color=FFE4E1]"Summons are targets that can be removed pretty easily with a Dispel Magic though,"[/color] Cecilia pointed out, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet. Such a large group of soldiers was indeed annoying, and that wasn't even accounting for the possibility of magic users amongst them. Heck. [color=FFE4E1]"Keeping ourselves in a narrow alleyway just makes it easy for us to get roasted too, by ye olde spells of wide area."[/color] She continued. Her hand rested on her chin as she looked at the group with her. Artemisia was the only one she knew who was confident in her defensive magic, while two of the frontliners were occupied with having a bro moment together. Locke's shadows were useful, but that sort of efficacy would be reduced as well if they opted for the alleywall skulking plan. The spellblade's frown deepened and deepened, before she quite suddenly broke into a smile. Too much thinking just ending up with decision paralysis, after all! [color=FFE4E1]"Well, alleyways worked last time, so lets go with that strat and see if it works this time as well! Serafaye, you'll vanguard. Arte, keep us safe in the skies. Locke, if you have any magic like that, maybe silence our movements in some way? We'll weave through the alleyways and look for a conveniently-sized hole in the walls to bust through, and if it looks like we can't find one, we'll just have to make one."[/color]