Bail Organa didn't need much encouragement. "You be right behind us!" he said before booking it to the garbage chute. Without thinking, he jumped right in. After a short drop, the senator found himself nearly waist deep in sewage. [i]This must be the refuse pit for the entire detention level. [/i] he thought to himself, just as he heard another splash from behind him. Expecting to see his daughter, he was greeted by the young man who was accompanying her. "Sorry if it isn't glamorous, but we didn't exactly have a plan for this." the young man said as he tried in vain to wipe sewage off his imperial officer's jacket. "It's fine. I'm just glad to be out." said Bail. "Who are you, anyway?" "Right. We didn't have time for introductions. My name is Adam Skywalker." Adam said while sticking his hand out. Just like that, a flood of memories came rushing back to Bail Organa. He remembered needing to leave his pregnant wife to travel to Polis Massa. He remembered Obi-wan cradling a newborn baby boy. He remembered learning that Padme had died giving birth. [i]So, this is the son of Anakin Skywalker.[/i] the senator thought to himself while shaking Adam's hand, just as another splash sounded. [i]That must be Kijani.[/i]