[h2]Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] Despite the limited confines, Tyaethe appeared to be relying on making space against the behemoth, only briefly pushing off the axe as she looked at the runes decorating all of his equipment. Not that she had any clue what the runes themselves might individually mean but there [i]was[/i] always the chance of it being a familiar design. "Do you know how many of you northmen I've killed before?" the vampire asked, dropping under another swing before popping back to her feet, "There was this big invasion force about two hundred years ago. The Vos Korvungand? You might recognise this." Whatever the next words out of her mouth were, it was obviously that it was some sort of foreign battle cry... albeit repeated in a rather bored tone. At least, unlike everything else, it got some sort of response, even if it was only a vaguely annoyed grunt and another attempt to cut through the annoyingly-dodging paladin as she got closer to the others. "Ah, so you can speak after all! Not that you seem to understand a word I'm saying."