[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zW5wCbt.png[/img] [b]”Let’s go, in and out. 20 minute adventure.”[/b] [color=888888]— Nuncio[/color][/center] [sub][@PlatinumSkink][@ERode][/sub] Nuncio was walking back, when a commoner was walking down the street in the opposite direction. There were still commoners around, however rare, and this one looked like the commonest of commoners, hardly worth noting. In fact, her mere existence inspired one to not think her as anything worth noting, regardless of how clever one might be. Except, then she turned to Nuncio. [color=brown]‘Left next intersection, then the second street to the left, third window to the right, ground floor. She needs help. Hurry.’[/color] With that, she turned and continued her walk in the direction she'd been walking. If he looked back at her, a measure of doubt would occur. Was it really her that had just spoken to him? Or had it been a trick of light from someone who'd used her appearance? Regardless, Nuncio would later have trouble recalling how she looked like. She just looked unremarkable. Sammy’s eyes fluttered. [b]”According to my deductions, she’s directing you back towards the warehouses.”[/b] With a groan, Nuncio hopped on Rosa’s back, still cradling Sammy in his arms. He didn’t want to put her in danger again, but there wasn’t a safe place around. [hr] Vermin Killer reacted to Amaryllis’s appearance with a slow turn of his head. [b]”Oh, so you were the rapier swinging vermin that was spotted?”[/b] The crows ruffled their feathers. [b]”Mariette is just letting me borrow a book. No one has to get hurt.”[/b] Then Nuncio came onto the scene, still holding Sammy. [b]”Mariette? Amaryllis? Waddaya doin’ here?”[/b] He turned to look at the mint agent.. [b]”Nuncio, of course. What other vermin would assault a mint storehouse with an inbred tiger?”[/b] He shrugged his shoulders with a smile. [b]”I’m just interested in the book. Fetch it for me, Nuncio. I don’t feel like approaching that sword or slime vermin.”[/b] Vermin Killer extended their hand. The rain splashed in the center of his palm. It might have seemed like an uneven matchup, a single magical boy against four magical children. But most of them were worn down and damaged, and even if they could overtake Vermin Killer, some of them could perish in the process. There was also a very real possibility that he had backup. If the broken mirrors were anything to go by, his smugness was more than just a bluff. He already had this entire situation figured out. Nuncio hopped off of Rosa and approached Mariette. With a sigh, he lowered Sammy down beside the portal witch before taking the almanac. [b]”If somethin’ happens, get Sammy outa here.”[/b] Nuncio turned to look at Vermin Killer, and Rosa growled. [b]”Keep your cat at a distance. It would be a shame if the gluttons ate her.”[/b] [b]”Speakin’ of, wanna make ya crows step off?”[/b] With a nod, the crows before Vermin Killer parted for Nuncio. He took his time walking forward, never taking his eyes off the other magical boy. The wolverines and crows all had their eyes on Nuncio, but they did little more than size him up. Once Nuncio was close enough, he placed the book in Vermin Killer’s hand. Sammy shook. [b]”D-deductions.”[/b] She turned to look at Amaryllis. [b]”A missing hand.”[/b] She looked at Mariette. [b]”A burnt hand.”[/b] Then to Vermin Killer. [b]”An extended hand, receiving a book.”[/b] She blinked a few times. [b]”All of this evidence only points to a single outcome.”[/b] Sammy’s eyes shot open. She called out the name of her lover, but her weak voice couldn’t beat the sound of falling rain. Vermin killer reached past the book and grabbed Nuncio’s wrist. Before the mafioso could react, he was pulled into the mint agent’s rising knee. It hit with enough force to send the rain flying off of his back. Vermin killer was swift enough to catch the almanac before Nuncio sunk to the ground. He stashed it in his coat without glancing at Nuncio, who was still holding his stomach. [b]”Mariette, Amaryllis, Eli, your debts are paid. You were simply accessories in all this, and Amaryllis was careful not to kill the agent she did engage with.”[/b] Heused his foot to push Nuncio onto their side. [b]”Unfortunately Nuncio has an [i]extensive[/i] debt to the mint, and it only grows when his inbred cat kills our agents.”[/b] He chuckled. [b]”You missed her soul stone, but it’s still a depraved act.”[/b] Vermin Killer gave a small bow. [b]”The book will be returned to you in a few days time. After 48 hours, simply order a dreamy coffee from the pit stop. They will offer to deliver it, and you can give them further instructions from there. In regards to our prisoner, we will be taking them back. But that hardly needs to be said. You don’t want to be our enemy, right?”[/b] Nuncio was still recovering from the blow he took to the stomach. He couldn’t stand, but he was able to turn and look at his partners in crime. He looked like a wild animal, eyes filled with bloodlust. He barked a single order before it happened. [b]”Run!”[/b] A surge of magic rushed into Rosa, transforming the inbred white tiger into a fearsome killing machine. It charged towards Vermin killer, who was already calling his crows to form a defensive barrier. His wolverines were springing to his aid as well, unable to wait out their appetites anymore. Tiger was back on the menu. Sammy was frozen in fear. Too exhausted to do anything more than cling to Mariette’s leg. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SbnCKDQ.png[/img] [color=75c159]“Puchuu, in MY vicinity? It’s more likely than you think.”[/color] [color=888888]— Tetrad[/color][/center] [sub][@AtomicNut][@DarkwolfX37][/sub] Shion accepted? That was unexpected, but that goes to show you that it’s always worth pursuing a contact. [color=75c159]“Thanks!”[/color] She looked over her shoulder at Jimmy. [color=75c159]“Right, right, Queenking34.”[/color] Tetrad supposed she’d better wright that down before she forgot. Well, that and any variants. He kept changing his user handle so he probably didn’t remember it. [color=75c159]“Hmm?”[/color] Tetrad looked at Ko. She wasn’t a fan of puchuu due to past dealings, and had come to believe that the few cheerful ones only behaved as such to play on the emotions of those around them. But turning down praise from anyone wasn’t Tetrad’s style. She placed her hands on her hips. [color=75c159]“When you look this good you’re bound to get a few stares. But every once and a while I can charm them to my side. ”[/color] She laughed before whispering to herself. [color=75c159]“Why couldn’t that have been a normal fight?”[/color] Tetrad looked back at Shion, only to see she had passed out. [color=75c159]“Eh, does she need help?”[/color] She started to shuffle her deck around so that she could find more blue cards. Her magic could be really annoying sometimes. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3BsCbZX.png[/img] [color=CCBFFF]"Don’t worry Samantha! [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsCz_Z7HSPM&feature=youtu.be&t=6]I’m coming![/url]"[/color] [color=888888]— Trixy[/color][/center] [sub][@FamishedPants][@twave][@Crusader Lord][@Flamelord][/sub] As the pirate spoke, Trixy lowered her rifle. Her slurring was difficult to understand, but the message came across. The corpses had been moved into the ship, and Cereza and Cerise’s bodies were among them. Another reason why attacking Mariette was the right thing to do. [color=CCBFFF]"That sounds good."[/color] Trixy sighed. But Trixy couldn’t relax for long. She had given Samantha her “token bite” and was aware of Rachiel’s attack on Sam. She cringed as Samantha’s body was thrown into the next building. Retreating like Veronica wanted would no longer be an option. [color=CCBFFF][i]"Samantha! Are you okay?"[/i][/color] Trixy hopped out of the shadow where the cradle was manifesting. [color=CCBFFF][i]"Veronica! Sam’s in trouble! I gotta save her!"[/i][/color] [color=#bd71e8][i]“What has she done?”[/i][/color] It only took Veronica moment to gain an understanding of the situation. [color=#bd71e8][i]“See if you can get her out of there.”[/i][/color] There was no emotion in her voice. Trixy didn’t really need Veronica to tell her that. This was a pretty bad date, but it would be the worst if Samantha didn’t survive it. Trixy had been able to glance at everyone fighting Hyun in the rave with her mystic scope, and thus could “see” them through solid surfaces. She knew exactly where all of the present beacon girls were, and they seemed to be coming down into the rave. That meant the way out the opening in the top should be clear. [color=CCBFFF]”It’s about time to blow this popcorn stand!”[/color] Trixy hurled an acorn at her feet, and the sudden growth of a tree was enough to pop her out of the ceiling hole. From there it was relatively easy to locate Samantha, and Trixy wouldn’t dally in her approach. Trixy was pretty swift, and she put her legs to work rushing to Sam’s side. When she found Sil, she kneeled down beside her. [color=CCBFFF]"Your arm’s broken. Can you use stasis to set it, or should I make you a cast?"[/color] After taking care of Samantha’s arm, Trixy took her outside and used another acorn to propel the two of them into the air. Trixy’s gun was stashed on her back, and she was carrying Samantha bridal style. She landed on top of the pirate ship. [color=CCBFFF]"Don’t suppose you mind a few hitchhikers, right?"[/color] Trixy set Samantha down and made sure she could still stand. Once that was taken care of, she looked off the side of the ship. [color=CCBFFF]"It’s not smart to fight people who are stronger than you."[/color] She went prone and aimed her rifle off the side of the pirate ship. [color=CCBFFF]"But backstabbers really annoy me."[/color] She continued to watch the fight through her scope. Her finger hovered over the trigger. [hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/v3fpd2k.png[/img] [color=tomato]“Just Office of Certification things.”[/color] [color=888888]— Oros[/color][/center] Oros was looking into her blade, examining the fight in the park. She wasn’t really invested in it beyond being called there, but watching magical girls duke it out was fun. This all gave her a burning desire to just rush back to Penrose as fast as possible, but the Office of Certification was taking their sweet time going through everything. It was fine though, she had made some revisions to her application so an extended wait time was to be expected. At least they had cold drinks, and the clerk was cute. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5UALozg.png[/img][/center] [sub][@FamishedPants] [@AtomicNut] [@Ponn] [@PlatinumSkink] [@Majoras End] [@twave][/sub] Ampodryl might be dead, but it’s blade continued to spin horizontal to the ground. It did not lose altitude nor did it slow as it cleaved through the air. The blade was originally thrown in such a way that it would cleave through Hillaria’s entire body while she was prone on top of Faith. But now she was standing up with two other girls at her sides. This caused the blade to sever Hilaria, the berserker, and Celia’s legs just below their knees. This instantly destroyed the berserker while the two magical girls would tip over like a tree and fall to the ground, Celia’s wreath of flames burning on. In addition to this, their was a white flame left on their stumps caused by the soul sword. While the pale flame lingered, any attempts to heal their legs would have a diminished effect. After making its mark, the sword dispersed into hundreds of souls, each one returning to a distant place no mortal could reach.