[@Bork Lazer] Looks good! EDIT: as in i love them. as in I love EVERYONE's characters so far. Please move it to the character tab with the addition of The Relic. Also I'm gonna revv the engines on this RP and get ready to wheelie. I'll probably slap the intro post up while looking out for more folks that wanna join tbh. and it's not like we can't find more folks along the way but this is a good sized group. [hider=There And Back Crowbar] [center][img]https://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/tool-time-2/100/Crowbar-512.png[/img] [h2][color=00aeef][i]THE[/i] Absolutely Extremely More Useful Than a Boomerang AND a Crowbar!™[/color][/h2][/center] [center]Enchanted Common Items Corporation (ECIC) presents to YOU, by increasingly popular demand, The Absolutely Extremely More Useful Than A Boomerang And A Crowbar There And Back Again Crowbar Mark Six! Featuring ergonomically shaped black-steel, folded fifteen times, by the finest famous middle-western Pigtaurs of the middle continent, high in their Specialized Black Steel Enchanting Smitheries, this [i][u]E X C L U S I V E[/u][/i] Special King's Grade Rogue Approved device, is selling out [u][b]FAST[/b][/u]! With the special enchantment, never misplace your crowbar again-- Simply throw, drop, or misplace the item; reach out your hand; then ALAKAZOO! The Extremely Delicate And Exclusive Enchantments, cast by the finest Third Tier Toadbird Wizards, will activate! Delivering your crowbar back to your hand along a [i][u]S T R E A M L I N E D[/u][/i] direct PATH! No wangly-dangly time consuming twisty turns here! This enchantment is so effective that YOU don't even have to carry it! The object simply STICKS to the user! FOR AN UNLIMITED AMOUNT OF SECONDS![/center] [right][sup][color=39b54a]WARNING: ECIC does not assume responsibility for objects damaged on the crowbar's TO or RETURN path and by OWNING this object, the user consents to NEVER RETURNING and ALL LIABILITIES associated with this tool up to and/or including DEATH. ECIC also does not claim responsibility for any discomfort caused by the crowbar sicking to the user in an inconvenient manner.[/color][/sup][/right] [/hider]