{ReMOVED FROM THE PLOT BY MYSELF} [hider=My Hider] [u]https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Hz8BSZtvcL1xtVshb0FogTZyzHPu583j/view[/u] {Commmissioned by Jack-phy at tumblr.} Name: Rodríguez Kamigire-Terumi "Water", "Rolo". Age: 18 Grade: Saint Laurel's Academic Excellence, third {3rd} year. Biography: Some dare say Rodriguez had a bad start, for somebody upper-class he only laughed at those who looked down on him, he only hired people to cast curses on them, he only got vengeance! It was all fair after all, the did to Rodriguez the worst sin imaginable. They turnt his virtuous nature around on him, manipulating him as their tool. After he grew awareness of this the Treasure Hunter had thought about his actions. He sneered, he scowled. Rodriguez forgave himself and made an oath in that same moment. ''I'll never forget the new relationships I make. People, animals....Pre-fucking-pare to meet the darkest hero, you'll also be sorry you met.'' Some months had went on since the night everything changed for Rodriguez. Since he let time and distance erase those people no, [b]no.[/b] they weren't human anymore! THOSE ANIMALS! THOSE animals who made him their tool, were now incapable of hurting any other person as gullible as Rodriguez once was. And in this time Rodriguez studied the ways that would reprimand him for his once venomous virtues. He needed to start highschool. So Rodriguez adopted the mentality of St. Laurel's student body. So, Rodriguez become a well known member of Saint Laurel's lil' family. Powers: Blessed by The God of Discoveries! The Will of a Treasure Hunter: Whatever is deemed a treasure, Rodriguez will discover it. He has a intuitive tracking, a ability to find the lost, the occult, the abandoned, the secret. Whatever is a treasure Rodriguez can and might find it. The Will Of A Treasure Hunter's fatal flaw is a void of interest in the Treasure Rodriguez's told about. It won't be found, it won't be remembered...If Rodriguez doesn't care. [b]Here We Go:[/b] Rodriguez had created a jeep sized war vessel in case he ever established a Pirate's Crew. It's arterially is developed from Fancy Jasper, and Howlight, gemstones. From it's gem canons, to it's crew compacity [b]here we go[/b] is able to act as a RV and a Tank. It's strong, it's weaponized, it's comfortable. [b]Here We Go's[/b] Fatal Flaw is the lack of a crew. Currently it only has a Captian, so it's not able to be physical yet, yet there will be a day where [Here We Go[/b] pops out of Rodriguez's mindspace. Hoshi-Swashbuckler: This is a weapon. A Weapon fused from a cutlass and a British Broadsword. It's only power and Fatal Flaw is inflecting a murky discovery in all that knows this Pirate's Sword exist. Hoshi-Swashbuckler is truly a double-edged sword. Relationships: [color=00a651]"After the last shitstorm, I keep my OTPs, BroTPs, OT3s and other relationships to myself.''. [/hider]