[b][i]Akira Ayumu[/i][/b] Akira’s eyes opened wide with fear as the Sweepers directly attacked the Reactor itself, killing their own commander in order to pursue a more efficient course of action. Dammit all! Was this the fall of the Reactor? If only they had… Then it came to him like a flash of lightning - Ironic because that was what he was going to suggest next. “Anyone with Lightning Materia, rain down electricity on the Sweepers!” Akira shouted desperately at the top of his voice. “Keep shocking them until they fall! It’s our last chance!” He looked at Jessie, hoping she'd second his strongly-worded suggestion and also that the Sweepers didn't turn out to have insulation against electricity. Whether she did or not, Akira continued, “The rest of you without Lightning Materia, hurl what you have left - Bullets, Explosives, Molotovs or even Rocks! I'll cure and use Aero, too!” Once the door exploded into bits, hopefully his suggestion would be followed. Hopefully some mercenaries actually [i]had[/i] Lightning Materia, or failing that, Swift Bolts, Bolt Plumes, or other items which generated lightning. If they didn't, then he hoped they still had firepower. But whatever happened, it was clear that circumstances were out of his control due to his [i]powerset[/i] being sub-optimal to fighting large and powerful enemies. This meant that all he can do was cure, cure more, and send the occassional gust of wind or tornado at the enemy. Or... or... Dammit, this was going to be a hard decision, but the alternative was for everyone, including him, to [i]die[/i]. Trying to commune with Kanade once more, Akira tried to see if his friend was already on her way. A glimpse of swift winds, of the 'thrumming' of motorbikes and smoke and the sounds of gunfire. And was that the sound of helicopter rotors? Realizing that Kanade cannot help right now, Akira said, Akira then snapped back to the living world, and looked around to see if Jessie and the Mercs were still alive and if they had been doing as he suggested. If the former - And he hoped it was the former, the boy would say two words, "Healing Wind." A gust of shimmering, blue-green air would fill the courtyard/chamber beyond the reactor doors, closing the injuries and replenishing the blood of anyone still left alive but injured. This would not affect enemies, obviously, and robots even less so. If enough allies were left or by some miracle, they won and/or had enough Lightning Materia/Bolt Plumes left to forge a fighting chance, Akira will fight on and [i]not[/i] hand himself over. But if not, he'd announce his name and that he was the son of Kirin Ayumu, whom they'd hopefully recognize from Shinra's prisoner files, and... Okay, that plan was flawed. Best to hope that the defenders had eked out a victory or had a chance, to, then...