[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Oq2oYvu.png[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/e35a21968960d3880a506954fe7ed776/tumblr_inline_ol6s3krLNB1rwu1dx_250.gifv[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/b8255d42962f16f94eaa008617a76f02/tumblr_inline_ol6s2dqYJU1rwu1dx_250.gifv[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/8nPRphy.png[/img][/center] [color=DC143C][i]Tonight is my night.[/i][/color] It was a silent prayer Dana said every night she went out, and for her it held a variety of meanings, all branching from the same, singular desire - just do something fucking [i]interesting.[/i] She was happy to pick fights, as long as she was sure that they wouldn't come back to bite the ass of her academic progress. She was happy to get drunk, make interesting conversation, maybe even make new friends. If the worst came to worst, she would at least find her way to the mall and buy as many gorgeous things as she could to make up for the crushing disappointment she felt in lesser people every single day of her life. She supposed on some level she would even be happy just to find someone worthy of sex, but that was a lesser concern. Not that she could ever tell someone like Cass that. Hell, how many fucking times had she already asked him to stop using her virginity as a cute pet name? Over time, she had come to gravitate towards the more Type A personalities of Meadow U. She was always happy to see Lola, for instance, and Bas Bonfamilie would be a lot cooler if she could actually pronounce his fucking name. But tagging along with Cass and his boys always made her feel like a mascot, a perennial romantic fuck up that needed an entire shogunate to act as her wingman. It was exhausting. And whenever she expressed it to Cass all he would do was laugh and keep fucking saying 'Virgin-Chan, Virgin-Chan,' and then laugh when she would punch his chest, when she knew [i]goddamn[/i] well, just wait, Cassian, you motherfucker, just wait until Virgin-chan got you in side control one day, when she had him pinned down and-- She exhaled deeply. [color=DC143C][i]No. He is a worm. A...muscular, smirking worm. This is your night.[/i][/color] [color=DC143C][i]Tonight is my night.[/i][/color] The [i]point[/i] was, one of the main reasons she had left Japan was to avoid having to do all the social heavy lifting herself. She was sick of formality, sick of being polite, sick of not openly proving herself as a person of merit to the world. If nothing else, Meadow U. was full of her preferred kind of people. The guys, especially. She shared many a personality trait with many of them - the competitive streaks, the need to party, the aggression, the foul mouths, all the things that made them want to fight each other or at least [i]threaten[/i] to fight each other. But when those traits were applied to Dana, suddenly people thought they were [i]cute.[/i] Was she being fetishized? Is that what this shit was about? People thought it was cute when the Japanese girl got furious? [color=DC143C][i]How disgusting. How fucking abhorrent. It's borderline perverted, is what it is.[/i][/color] She inhaled again, and held it until she thought she might actually choke on her own breath. [color=DC143C][i]No. Be calm. Tonight will be my night.[/i][/color] [hr] [color=DC143C][b][i]"ATASHI DANA!"[/i][/b][/color] Dana leapt backwards off the Street Fighter machine with a boisterous grin, both her fists in the air as though she'd just placed gold in the Olympics. One of the things she had loved to do in Kobe or Tokyo was find the arcades and send boys weeping away in shame, whether they thought themselves masters of the crane machine, the fighting games, or especially Dance Dance Revolution. She had bested all comers, in all contests, for years and years in her younger days. Given the emphasis Americans put on playing video games with each other, she had been sure when she arrived that Meadow View didn't even have an arcade. When she'd finally found one a few months ago, it didn't matter that its games were outdated by a couple years - whether some fighters in Tekken or Marvel vs. Capcom had older move sets or not, whether some of her favorite songs were in Dance Dance Revolution. What mattered was that an arena existed at all for her to test herself in combat beyond sparring - and between going to the gym or going to the arcade, only one seemed like a good way to kick off her night out. If the boys wanted to hang out later, Lord knew she couldn't show up sore and gassed out. The vanquished slugs that populated the arcade, a sea of mediocre white boys wasting their quarters to try and salvage their manhood against Dana-chan, parted to make way for her jump. Clearly none of them wanted to risk being tread upon a second time. That only made her victory sweeter; she laughed in the faces of the half dozen high schoolers who had gathered around her. [color=DC143C]"What? You don't want Japanese girl to step on you anymore?"[/color] she giggled, grinning wolfishly at the people she had spent the last forty five minutes thrashing. [color=DC143C]"Be glad you pick Street Fighter. In Tekken I send you crawling back to your mother's wombs in shame. Fuck off, [i]gaijin[/i]. I'm done here."[/color] She walked out of the arcade with her hands in her [url=https://www.crisconsignment.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/IMG_2395_l.jpg]Balmain jacket[/url], feeling her fingers wrap around her phone on impulse. She thought to drum out a quick text to Cass, just to let him know she was [i]his[/i] wingman, not the other way around. [pre]To: Cassi if you fail with mac like shithead then i still want ramen if you pass wear a condom 👍[/pre] There. Now she could blissfully ignore her best friend all night while she went out to a bar. Which place was it that she knew had open mic tonight - The Velvet Room? [color=DC143C][i]No, the Velvet Room is something else...[/i][/color] The Red Room? Or no, maybe it was Nectar with the open mic?