Light spilled into the cavernous mouth of the wrecked car when Magdalena opened the trunk door with three taps on the rear axle from a small hammer. Neil gave off a low whistle when he saw the trunk of the vehicle was actually a door leading into a scrap-metal tunnel, feeding down into what looked like a large underchamber. Junebug and Neil gave one another a look whilst Taya's eyes widened in amazement. Magdalena told her little daughter to hop up and go first, and she did so obediently. She climbed onto the back bumper and hopped through, holding some loose, unplugged wiring they obviously used as a rope-like railing to descend and ascend. Neil was told to go next, and he did so. He hopped over the bumper onto the platform, and found the way down somewhat steep by checked with various bits of scrap and wood planted to halt one from sliding, along with the wiring. Neil actually quite enjoyed this little opening, nearly doing a trick jump or two before he realized it was probably rude. That and it could damage the integrity of the tunnel around him. One by one they made their way down, Taya coming right before Magdalena took the rear of the line. Neil had expected some vast undercity filled with huge support beams and a thriving society that gave the above-ground dystopia to shame. In reality it was barely the size of half the Highlander, and there was merely a few younger people here, all likely Magdalena's children. There was a roughly made slab of wood atop a large propeller that likely came from a surface to air, planetary flight machine. One of the younger children spun it around, sending the small toys on the table spinning. Neil ran his hand over the wall, examining the structure of the cavern itself. He smiled. "This is an abandoned ship," He said, and on second look he was right. The walls were the color of light marble and made of pristinely designed steel, though dirt and wear/tear caked the material. Piles of junk were everywhere, though there were many cots on the ground to choose from, when the hostess presented them, of course. "We've food ready," Magdalena said tiredly, tying her hair up in a bun and making her way to the left section of the room, beside an old door where there was a fire burning and pot set up on what looked to be a broken gravity converter holding it up. It was fascinating on how things could be rigged and utilized for different uses. Meanwhile, Taya had gone over to play with the children. That might have been a strong word, however. The oldest of the five was a young man close to Taya's age, holding what looked to be another baby sister. Elsewhere across the room, a toilet flushed. The small sliding steel door opened by what looked to be a lever system and a bearded man walked through, brown skinned with a goatee and baggy clothing. He stopped when he saw the Highlander crew, and Magdalena hurried over to him. "Javier, these people saved Lucina. They're staying with us tonight." She explained. He pushed passed her, eyeing them. The way he held his hand, it looked like there was a concealed weapon on him. Neil raised his hands, face easy as always. "We're not here to start trouble." He said, before he realized Junebug had already pulled on the man and the reason he had stopped was that her barrel was aimed at his forehead. Neil exhaled audibly. "But apparently we will finish it if it starts." [@Penny]