[color=tan][CENTER] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200330/c5875333f7daf176b10b7355ed9bfd7e.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/n49Jef0.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent][indent]The first week of classes had gone just as Ramona knew they would. From receiving six different syllabuses across all of her classes, all the way down to trying to figure out new ways to reintroduce herself to a classroom full of familiar faces, Mona had surely grown used to "Syllabus Week" by now. It was nothing new or out of the ordinary. And all throughout this week, Ramona had made sure to keep her signature grin plastered across her face whenever she stepped foot outside of her bedroom, whether it was while striking up conversation with a Sophomore in one of her elective courses or jogging around campus and greeting those who strolled past. No one would've ever guessed that Mona had been feeling a little more down than usual, ever since the evening following the Great Bash. And of course, she had yet to tell a soul about what was bothering her. Not even Junie, who'd been her closest friend since they were in diapers, knew about it. Even Mona's roommate, who'd been too preoccupied with her work to notice the sudden massive pile of empty ice cream pints and wine coolers in their trash can, hadn't caught on. It was a mutual decision, she and Leon's breakup. And although the two promised to remain good friends with each other despite no longer being in a romantic relationship, Ramona still couldn't help but feel a bit [i]empty[/i] after handing off a bag of things he'd left in her possession... Hence, why she'd been unsuccessfully attempting to fill this emptiness with Ben & Jerry's Mint Chocolate Cookie. In fact, Mona had been spending almost every single day after classes sitting in the exact same spot in her bed, a spoonful of ice cream in one hand and a blunt in the other. She'd laugh to herself while watching old episodes of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and wondering what her friends and family would say or think if she emerged out of her funk ten pounds heavier. Mona had planned to repeat this same routine on that Friday night until she saw a post on Instagram that caused her to change her mind. Apparently, one of her favorite bars was having an open mic night, and she figured, [color=#B96D4D][i]what better way to lift her spirits than to get all dressed up and go check out the local talent?[/i][/color] Well... the prospect of finally being able to drink something a little stronger than Mike's Hard Lemonade also played a pretty big role. So after finishing off one of her pre-rolled cones and spending about an hour getting herself [url=https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/p1080x1080/80538168_606302783455299_6017343136727872278_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=103&_nc_ohc=VzPGWljvdqMAX9jnPBd&oh=523b9cc93fa9f75865da4fc97f78ecfc&oe=5F18BAB7]dolled[/url] up, Mona called up the nearest Uber driver and made her way downtown. It was after she began typing out a text to Junie that she remembered her saying something about having a date that night and tucked her phone back into her purse, deciding to wait until the next day to ask her for the details. And when Mona had finally been dropped off in front of Nectar’s, she took a brief moment to readjust her dress before letting out a deep breath strolling inside. Ramona made a beeline for the bar, not really bothering to search for any familiar faces for the time being. Instead, she waved over the bartender and asked for whiskey on the rocks. And after draining the entire glass in less than a minute, signaled him over again. [color=#B96D4D]"Another one, please."[/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent][/color]