[b][right]Koren Ozzel[/right][/b] Koren sat in the briefing room. Various admirals and generals sat around the table with governors present as holograms, only one seat was left empty. The one belonging to Dredar. Right now the first sector commander was going over details from the Blackstar and a rogue Star Destroying flying under the banner of the [I]Warhead[/i]. Technically the Blackstar was slight outwith the borders that the Imperium had set out for itself though working on the outside of Imperium Space to take a look at what was going on and solidify the borders. While Koren didn't extensively want to expand on the conflict and prolong the war. He was going to have to work on expanding their territory back to where they could solidify and maintain their territory. He picked up his mug of caf and took a sip as he looked over the rim of the mug. "What's the status of our outer worlds?" Admiral Mosius stood up as a map appeared. "With losing Grizmallt, we're expecting the New Republic to continue pushing in. We've moved forces from the Deep Core to bolster the border. General Rom Mohc has completed his factory ship and is bringing it too Coruscant, he's ready to move forward with the phase two designs and they'll soon bolster our forces." Koren nodded as the Admiral continued to speak. "Our biggest concern is the backlog of civilian ships trying to get into the Imperial Centre. People with permits are getting through as intended, but there's a backlog of civilian refugees trying to get to the planet, and we simply can't search the vessels fast enough-" General Vizver spoke up next, he was in charge of defending the populace of Coruscant and deal with all the little uprisings that were going on on the planet. "We're diverting what assets we can to help the navy perform the sweeps, but we can't divert military assets that we need elsewhere and stormtroopers don't necessarily always make good police officers-" "How dare you-" That was General Trunk, head of the Stromtrooper Corps. Koren raised his hand. "He holds a valid point Atticus. The Corps is designed as a fighting force, and while some of what they do can be consider peacekeeping it's not exactly the presence we need in searching ships." He sighed. This was going to be a long meeting.