[b]Name:[/b] How does the world know you? Is it a nom de guerre or real name? Any significant aliases, secret identities, nicknames, or sobriquets? [b]Inspiration:[/b] (optional) If your creature is based on one of the classic Universal monsters, identify them here. Don't worry if it's an OC, though! Original characters are always welcome! [b]Appearance:[/b] A good detailed description and/or a good picture of your character. [b]Abilities/ Skills:[/b] Any special powers you might have or special skills you have learned. Do you have the strength of ten men? Are you a master of hypnosis? Can you speak seven languages? Do you have connections with the Mafia? Here's the place to tell us. [b]History:[/b] Tell us a little about your character's background. Write as much or as little as you like, just so long as we get the general idea of who you are and where you came from. [b]Goals:[/b] What do you wish to accomplish in life? It can be as humble as getting a glass of water or as grandiose as conquering the world. [b]Notes:[/b] Anything extra you might like to add that isn't covered by the above. A theme song, maybe.