The sun had just peeked through the clouds. It brought with it a comforting warmth and brightness as the rays reflected off glass towers and light-coloured structures. It was a nice change of pace, coming out of the intermediate zone. The tall auburn-haired woman walked next to her [i]partner[/i], not in a romantic sense, more in the [i]work-related[/i] sense. The details didn’t matter. Several bags hung from her arms, groceries, a rather large sum to be honest. To someone passing by it may have seemed like enough to last a month or so, in a [i]normal[/i] household. For the two women, it wouldn’t last that long and the only reason they had come out of their [i]zone[/i] was because they required some items that weren’t found in the intermediate zone. Alas, the calm walk among a more normal environment, one reminiscent of the past, would soon come to an end. Approaching the checkpoint for crossing back into their area, the two women were scanned and briefly questioned. Their bags were checked and upon being approved they were let back in. The atmosphere was quick to change, the sensation almost instantly growing a little darker. It certainly wasn’t as bad as the slums, but it wasn’t that great either. The people that lived here went about their lives either in disappointment or frustration, worry with a hint of fear was a constant feeling that lingered in the air as they trudged along. Law enforcement was sparse but more violent [i]when[/i] they stumbled upon [i]illegal[/i] acts. In truth most of them were probably paid off and doing the work of whoever paid their wages. The silence between the two carried on as they walked. Adjusting the bags in her arms just slightly the taller of the pair walked half a step behind the other. Approaching a low-rise that was part of a complex that housed buildings of varying heights, the women stepped through the barred door of the lobby which led into a filthy foyer. Stairs to the right led up to about a half storey, and just slightly to the left was set of a few descending steps that led to the back half of the building. Dented, tagged, and rusted mailboxes lined the wall just before the ascending stairs, a door to their left read [i]‘management’[/i] with a half torn gold and black label. Waiting for the brunette to walk up, the red-head followed, the two of them making their way up to the third floor. Unit three-oh-two was their apartment. It was one of the larger front corner ones it was a surprisingly spacious two bedroom, more than enough for them. Closing the door with her foot, the auburn-haired woman walked into the kitchen, lifting the groceries up onto the counter she exhaled through her nose as she pulled her arms out from the overstretched plastic handles. Her skin was lined and slightly red from all the bags. Blood was finally able to freely flow through her veins, her arms tingling slightly as the numbness faded. Sorting through the bags she started with any items that needed to go in the freezer and fridge. [b]“Did you want me to leave anything out for dinner?”[/b] She asked as she turned to look at her roommate before continuing to fill the freezer.