[centre][h1][color=chocolate]Marcus[/color][/h1][/centre] [@Squirrel98] [color=chocolate]'' I'm not really sure. The only labels here are written in Spanish and I'm quite rusty when it comes to that language'' [/color] muttered Marcus, his eyes sweeping over the brown paper. Most of them didn't have any smell suggesting that either they were flour or grain-based and would last for quite a while, or that they were already stale and the paper was blocking the light acidic smell. Decidedly, he whispered to Hope [color=chocolate]'' Even if he is, we can't risk waking him up. Let's just grab as much as we can carry in our arms and drop it off on the ship. If there's time we'll return to the apothecary and the butchers''[/color] Reaching gently towards the shelf, Marcus grabbed one of crinkly packages. [hr] [centre][h1][color=8493ca]Anya[/color][/h1][/centre] [@Squirrel98] Anya glanced worriedly at Jack but ultimately decided not to question him about what happened. For quite a while he has been somewhat avoiding her and she never understood why. Dropping off both her's and Blake's bags under the mast, she called out to the rest of the crew to begin preparing for a departure. She made her way back into her sleeping quarters (which she shared with two other crew members) to retrieve her compass and to quickly study a copy of the map the captain gave her. Like usual, she wouldn't emerge until Marcus officially ordered them to leave or if it was an emergency. [hr] [centre][h1][color=mediumspringgreen]Jane[/color][/h1][/centre] [@Blade17] Jane and the head guard wandered the city square hopelessly. Clearly, the man had left, but considering that it was a small island, he couldn't have gotten too far. The pair questioned the lower-ranking guards if they saw which way the man was headed. Dejected by a lack of any answer, they eventually had to resort to asking the civilians. Approaching a red-haired man, Jane,-in an authoritative tone- enquired [color=mediumspringgreen]''Excuse me, sir. Have you perhaps seen a dark-haired man with a dirty scarf somewhere in this area? We fear he might be a fugitive who tried to hide within our city walls ''[/color]