[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjRhODI0NS5RWE5vLjAA/parseltongue.regular.png[/img][/center] [h3]~Temporary Campsite~[/h3] [hider=Inventory] [i]Throat Pouch:[/i] - x6 Nothing [i]Fur Satchel:[/i] - Smooth Stone - Dirty Cloth Strips (Very Poor) x2 - x7 Empty [b]Equipped:[/b] Mana Bone Spear (Average) -Vine Bracer (Right Leg - Average) -Vine Bracer (Left Leg - Bad) -Vine Bracer (Right Arm - Poor) -Vine Bracer (Left Arm - Below Average) [b]Current Job:[/b] Witch [/hider] [hider=Titles] [b]Witness I[/b] [i]You have seen things. And they have seen you.[/i] [/hider] [hr] Ha, excellent. Just what she needed. Something good against potentially more difficult opponents. This would be a good base to work with. Now that she had at least a decent understanding of how this whole magic and manipulating it worked, she could easily extrapolate that into other elements and other abilities. Should she get started on that? Or work on other things she had wanted too before. It seemed like she never had enough time with all these distractions and having to deal with the others. Hm. She turned her attention to the spell Torrent was using. Shadow was an element? Just how many elements were there? Poison, Acid, Ice, Light, Wind, Earth...there seemed to be quite a few that she would need to learn how to handle and deal with. Her wings flapped in thought. Well, she might not get another chance to actively try something once they get moving, so she might as well try it now while she had a moment. She could try that whole out of body experience again once they stopped and rested for the night. Taking a moment, Ash closed her eyes and started meditating to regain her MP. Attempting to do many things at once was likely going to cause a fair bit of drain on the resource, but if it worked then hopefully she could get to the point of casting more than two spells at once - and have access to a base mana orb spell of each kind of element that she knew of. Only being able to do two at once would limit the speed, but hopefully that would solve itself soon. Perhaps she should try shadow first? Work with something more difficult, then the subsequent elements would be easy by comparison. It should be something she was doing to start with, honestly. Figuring out which particle made which element - starting with the basic colors she could see. In either hand she formed a base Mana Orb once her MP had capped out again. In her left, she started the basis of forming what she would hope to be simple fire orb. She'd look for the red particles, recalling what she had done with her attempts at Poison Splash. Poison Splash seemed to be a composite element, while Fire was likely something more of a base to work with and easier to work with. She shaved off any of the unneeded elements, pulling them out of the equation and leaving herself with a handful of others and mostly Red particles, shoving as many as she could into the nucleus. Hopefully she wouldn't need too many more steps. Splitting her focus, in her right hand, she would be toying with something trying to make something with those deep gold colored particles she had observed earlier. Two experiments in one, if successful. Figure out what element it was, namely, and what she was currently attempting to achieve. Splitting her focus like this would be difficult, but it was the quickest way to expedite the process. She'd pull most particles out of this one, saving only a few of each for now as she pulled the Deep golds towards the nucleus.