The helmet was a rather hefty thing, though much effort was put into decoration it was clearly just as functional as it was beautiful. It was of a time long past, words within the item having their Us writ as Vs. The moment the steel of the helmet touched the gorget of his plate his vision changed. When a helmet is on one usually has restricted vision, but in the case of Brandon it seemed his sight was unimpeded. That would hardly be noticeable though, with the much more bothersome fact he was now in a different place entirely. A bridge was before him, leading to a ring housing great energies. [center][color=9CA89C][b][i]No more fear. No more pain. Your father calls you.[/i][/b][/color][/center] The voice was not quite a hiss and not quite a rasp, but it was calming. Not in the sense of soothing the boy's emotions, but rather it was as if it squeezed them out before forcing him to walk along the bridge; no longer was Brandon in control of his body, his legs moving him across the bridge and through the ring. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=9CA89C][i][b]You've stumbled through life as headless poultry. No more.[/b][/i][/color][/center] A blinding white light, and then another change of scenery. A circle of stone surrounded by nothingness, pure dark with a nonexistent light source illuminating the stone and a very, very tall man — he could well be mistaken for a young cyclops if not for the wondrous armour upon him, along with blade and shield glowing a light blue. The great tabard the fellow had obscured a line of sight to the legs of the man, but there was nevertheless a feeling he was floating in the air. [center][color=9e0b0f][b]BRANDON UNICORN, I PRESUME?[/b][/color][/center] Somehow there was a sense that after booming this question the Knight was raising an eyebrow... all despite the visor of his helm obscuring any vision. For himself Brandon would have his vision no longer given a green lens, and the helmet he had donned to come here was gone. His wounds had heal, and he felt as if he once more had energy even if aches remained.