[color=darkgray][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/get-weird-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200404/2c86416cbb2250123c9e9895b193e7a0.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/22/2c/65/222c65b6276fed4259c5bf6fc1c69dd7.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [indent] As she sat at the back of the auditorium, surveying the scene as best she could while keeping her back to the wall as much as possible, Savannah was very on-guard at the moment. She was still edgy from the interactions with her friends from earlier. It's why she sat far away from Tyler Jane for this assembly. As much as she wanted to try and bury the hatchet a bit and talk about just what went down between the two of them in front of Nicholas, it wasn't the time. Not with so many things swirling in her head at the moment. History was laughable. Savannah tried to take notes, but she had no interest in learning about the Louisiana Purchase. Old white men selling tracts of land that they stole from the Native Americans. No thank you. Instead, she was trying to figure out just how this party on the weekend was going to work and just how she was going to make the Liquoriana Purchase. First point, never call alcohol that ever. [color=ff4de1][i]So I know I'm going have Erica helping with the pickup, but the two of us aren't going to be able to walk all the way from this liquor store and back with enough booze for the entire first floor! I have to assume we're going to need a lot in order to make sure all our bases are covered. How are we going to get it back here without a car or anything? Do either of us even know how to drive a car? I could probably fake it if it was an automatic, I've seen enough people drive that I can do that, but manual I'm probably screwed. That's if we can even find a vehicle. With keys! And how am I paying for all this alcohol? I know Mom and Dad had to pull some strings to get me in here and can afford it, but I can't exactly call them up and be all 'Can I have some money for various amounts of booze?' What are we going to do about that? If I put it on my credit card, I'll be A) out of money for music and clothes orders, and B) broadcasting to my parents that I'm doing this! Plus the credit card isn't in Kelsey Marston's name! Ugh! This is too much! Too much stepping outside the lines! I'm going to totally get caught![/i][/color] By the time she got to P.E. with Erica, her mind was almost frazzled. There weren't many opportunities to talk to one of her besties either. Dodgeball day saw them put on opposite teams for the most part, and while Savannah loved dodgeball since she was almost an impossible out with her ability to jump and gracefully dip to avoid most balls thrown her way, it was clear her mind wasn't in it on this occasion and she had a couple instances where she was picked off very quickly. More frustrations. By the time she had got back to her room, cleaned up a bit, and spent some prime time staring at the ceiling, the assembly rolled around. So here Savannah sat. By herself. Without her usual pack of friends and allies. Left to ponder the darkened thoughts and dreadful scenarios that the procurement of potent potables was going to entail. She barely listened to the headmaster as she sat in her seat, hand gripping her chin as Savvy did her best to keep from just bolting then and there. Mealtimes were mentioned, which meant nothing. Savannah had her routine down pat. Halloween also got a nod, which Savannah wasn't to thrilled about. There were already enough things to be scared about without people actively trying to make her jump through the ceiling. Halloween sucked. But then the mention of this strange scavenger hunt came up. [color=ff4de1][i]Really? Isn't this something for like elementary school kids?[/i][/color] Whatever. It meant no classes on Wednesday. That was a win in and of itself. But then teams were brought up, and more worries hit Sav's poor brain. [color=ff4de1][i]Assigned teams? Shoot. Guess that means I'm probably not just with Erica and TJ. That might be fore the best though. Oh god what if I'm stuck with Leo! Or Theo! Ugh!!! Kill me if that happens. I do not need to work with those... sex-crazed animals![/i][/color] Theo actually wasn't as bad as Leo, but still, the aura from both of them rubbed Savannah the wrong way. As the assembly mercifully ended, Savannah ran to the exits and spotted the aforementioned list on the bulletin board. It didn't take much to scan through everything, and it appears that the Texan had managed to dodge a few bullets. Certainly better than she dodged balls earlier today. She deftly got out of the way before other students started crowding her into the wall. She hated being crowded. As she walked away from the scene and back towards the safety of her room, she was running over who she was forced to team up with. She was entering onto a team of almost unknown quantities, aside from rumors and hearsay. Wesley Slater, she had heard a little bit about from Bradley during their conversations. Apparently they were thick as thieves. Those two and Griffin... [color=ff4de1][i]Shoot, Griffin! He should be getting out today! Hope he's feeling better. I'll have to text him or something.[/i][/color] Anyway, Bradley referred to Wesley a lot. A LOT a lot. Almost made her think Bradley was a rainbow warrior or something. Wesley seemed a bit slow and apparently he was just as fond of stirring things up and running away as Bradley. But without the shame. [color=ff4de1][i]So he's not going to be much help. If he's as all over the place as Bradley gets, he'll probably run away within the first hour or so to go climb a tree or something.[/i][/color] Then there was Talya Burnley. Savannah had basically no experience with the brunette, save for a couple conversations via Erica and Bradley. The Barron boy was proving quite useful today. Talya was an artist, probably one of the best ones here, if Bradley's hyperbole was to be believed. Erica had a slightly more reserved opinion, but according to her, if you knew Talya, you knew everybody at San Agustin, because she would tell you everyone's business. Whether you needed to know it or not. [color=ff4de1][i]Talya seems like she could be a snake in the grass of this whole party plan. Better keep my mouth shut around her. Hopefully me and Erica can just text about it I guess.[/i][/color] Still, Savannah remembered seeing her around school a couple times and there was... something about her. Something she couldn't quite place just yet. Maybe there was a common ground there that she just wasn't seeing yet. She remembered watching her walk across the campus one day and being almost hypnotized for some reason. [color=ff4de1][i]If nothing else, this will be a chance to figure out what that's all about. I mean, that just doesn't make sense, right? A girl shouldn't be able to do that to another girl...[/i][/color] Thinking about her new teammates was an almost pleasant diversion for Savannah. But as she plopped back down on her bed, trying to come up with some plans for her other problems, her mind was raising again. [color=ff4de1]"Screw it,"[/color] she finally declared. [color=ff4de1]"I'll go to the gym. Maybe that will fix me."[/color] It couldn't hurt at this rate. [hr] [/indent][/color]