[centre][h1]Regina Haney[/h1][/centre] [@Raptra][@Squirrel98] Regina raised her hand in an attempt to get the students' attention and in a croaky voice she demanded [color=gold]''Everyone please gather round! All of you have received your rulebooks, schedules and maps of the campus in the mail. In case any of you haven't let me know now or forever keep your peace''.[/color] Having taught and welcomed the new students to the academy for years now, she could recite the welcoming speech from her memory perfectly. Without waiting for everyone to get close enough to hear her, she continued : [color=gold]''Welcome to Pine Hills, everyone! I'm Professor Haney and I will be teaching you English. You're here because you were talented enough to pass our state of the art examinations and we were able to see your worth. Now I assume all of you have read the school rules but since you could have already forgotten, let me read out loud for you before we head in: 1) All students must arrive in their classrooms 5 minutes before the lesson starts. 2) There's no reason a student should skip class. If you're feeling unwell, notify one of the school nurses. 3) While classes are in session students need to be dressed in a formal office style attire. 4) Defacing of the school is prohibited. 5) Remain within the school grounds unless you've received permission to leave 6) Respect all staff and all of your peers. 7) All students should remain in their dorms after eight in the evening. 8) Consumption of any drugs is prohibited on the school grounds. Any student over 18 may consume ONE glass of wine during school events. 9) Do not wander into any staff-only areas without a teacher Each rule is here for a reason and if any of them are broken, you will be severely punished. Any questions so far?''[/color] Getting through the rules was usually the hardest part. Many students liked to challenge them, not understanding that she wasn't in charge of creating them and couldn't do anything about them. Despite her annoyance, Regina understood their desire to misbehave now that they were away from their parents- they had more freedom to be themselves.