[@Bartimaeus][@LilSwifty][@Nyxira][@Smike][@Rabidporcupine][@Landaus Five-One][@Nimbus][@MK2][@RabidChoco]: I, Jest, and Windstormugly talked about Custodian Lore a bit more, and we decided to edit the Custodian's lore to make The One less intentionally dickish. Here is the lore in bullet points: - The majority of Custodians didn't rebel, and are still in Heaven. - Only a few thousand Custodians were cast down to the Universe. - Fallen Custodians can breed with other Custodians to make full-blooded members of their race, and breed with other species to create Part-Custodians. - Few Custodians ended up in Historia as Coyote did. - The grand majority of Custodians founded a 'Star Empire' a thousand light-years away from Historia. - The reason the Star Empire doesn't just invade Historia is that even with advanced technology, the Galaxy is still very big and it's hard to find one single planet. Thus, they have to be summoned by [SPOILER] or be extremely lucky.