[b][u]Name:[/u][/b] Rex-G124 [B][u]Rank:[/u][/b] Spartan [B][u]Species:[/u][/b] Human (SPARTAN-III) [B][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] Of all of the members of Gamma Company, Rex was one of the few that could physically pass as a normal human, save for one thing: his eyes, which had taken on a golden color during Project CHRYSANTHEMUM. He lost his right arm during the Battle of Earth, and has since had it replaced with a prosthetic that works in tandem with his MJOLNIR armor. His skin is quite pale, and never seems to burn or tan. His hair is black, and always buzzed short. [B][u]Skills:[/u][/b] Close-quarters combat [B][u]Preferred Weapons/Equipment:[/u][/b] [url=https://www.halopedia.org/images/f/fc/H2A_M90Shotgun.png]M90 CAWS[/url], customized [url=https://www.halopedia.org/images/f/f5/Magnum_Quickdraw.png]Gunfighter M6H2 magnum[/url] (modifications include a longer threaded barrel for use of different attachments— usually a smaller version of the Energy Bayonet, or a suppressor if stealth is required); outfitted with gold-accented crimson MJOLNIR, consisting of a [url=https://www.halopedia.org/images/e/ee/HR_CQB_Helmet.jpg]CQB-class helmet[/URL] (with [url=https://www.halopedia.org/images/9/9d/Halo_5_VISR_Envy.png]Envy VISR[/URL]), [url=https://www.halopedia.org/images/a/a3/H4_Soldier_3d_model.jpg]Soldier-class chest and legs[/URL], [url=https://www.halopedia.org/images/7/7c/HR_CQC_Shoulder.jpg]Mk V CQC pauldron[/URL] (left arm), [url=https://www.halopedia.org/images/8/8a/HR_OPERATOR_Shoulder.jpg]Mk V Operator pauldron[/URL] (right arm), and [url=https://www.halopedia.org/File:H5G-Wrathrender.png]Wrath-class[/url] forearms [B][u]Background:[/u][/b] Born on the planet Alluvion, Rex's parents both fought and died holding off the Covenant invasion of the planet. With no living relatives, he was shipped off to an orphanage, and eventually conscripted into SPARTAN-III Gamma Company. While he proved to be less of a team player than most of his peers, Rex proved to be almost peerless in close-quarters combat. He was selected for the Headhunter program, and after training was completed, deployed on various reconnaissance and sabotage missions, including Antarctica and Cuba. After the war, Rex was drafted into the Spartan Operations branch, where he was selected to continue working as a LONEWOLF Headhunter.