[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/cool-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200408/4c1b92160c3b3976dc26b9f3d0604256.png[/img][/url] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/3260e65933a8cd010c61184a2dcdf199/tenor.gif?itemid=15620235[/img] [sub][color=slategray]Location: Auditorium[/color][/sub][/center] [hr][hr] [indent]Erica arrived at the assembly later than usual, and as a result, was forced to take one of the undesired seats in the front row. Headmaster Wayman walked out, just as she took a seat next to a boy from her calculus class, Derek. Unlike many of her classmates, Erica devoted her full attention to Headmaster Wayman’s announcements, despite his clear discomfort in his role. She had a sneaking suspicion that Wayman didn’t like kids enough to be a headmaster, but that didn’t make what he had to say any less important. Talk of Halloween brought Erica’s mind to costumes, costumes that she was realizing might be more difficult than she’d anticipated. She had some cash in her wallet that her parents had sent her with, but she was pretty sure most of it would have to go towards supplying the party on Friday. Assuming she could even sneak off of campus again and find a costume store, she’d be broke. [color=ffcc00][i]Maybe TJ and Sav would be down to make some costumes, assuming they don’t kill each other of Nicholas Fucking Gray.[/i][/color] Wayman’s announcement of the scavenger hunt sent a ripple of whispers through the crowd. Erica liked a good competition, and a prize other than the satisfaction of being a winner wouldn’t hurt. She found herself actually a little bit excited. That is, until she saw the teams. [color=ffcc00][b]“You have got to be fucking kidding me,”[/b][/color] Erica said, as her eyes reread the column containing her, Charles Mallet, and Billie Jean Gray’s names. She grit her teeth, and those around her quickly moved out of her way, her anger palpable as she tore her way back through the crowd. If people didn’t move out of her way, that was their problem, not hers. As she walked alone back to the dorms, she whipped her phone out and hammered out a text in the groupchat she had with TJ and Sav, which had been more inactive than usual since breakfast this morning. Whatever, she didn’t care about Nick and right now, she wanted to talk shit about his sister. [center]To: Bad Girls Club [color=ffcc00][b]guess who landed the evil twin on her team? either of you got some cyanide?[/b][/color][/center] She sighed. This party would be well deserved. If she made it that long.[/indent]