[@Bliss Audacious] Firstly, please do not post your character sheets in the CS tab until they have been approved by me. Suppose I ought to have made that a rule first. As for tone, I usually play things pretty seriously, but that doesn’t mean we do t have fun or things don’t get a bit goofy at times. It’s like Batman; most people are pretty serious but you also got a lot of colorful and weird people that makes taking yourself seriously feel a bit silly. Godammit. I just realized I didn’t even put rules up. This is what happens when you try and finish off an OoC at 4 AM. [@rush99999] Admittedly an artifact from a previous verse. It’s more accurate to say that anyone can earn a spot in the Arcanum, as long as they prove their worth. Be it a criminal on the run or a king himself, everyone starts at Zero when they join the Arcanum. But the college isn’t some orphanage for lost children or a haven for shady folk to lay low. Just as well the college doesn’t involve themselves in the war of rich nobility nor even have a real say in politics, though obviously individuals within the college may have their own thoughts. I’ll probably edit things later though.