[center][h3][b]Announcement[/b][/h3][/center] And there's our conlusion, everyone! Now we'll have a few days (maybe longer, depending on how it goes), of pure free time. In the meantime, a GM's work is never done. I've updated the initial OOC with new info, primarily a new "How to Join" section. I've also decided to start summarizing our finished adventures on the "0th post" at the top of the IC's first page. And then I finally got around to updating the "Notes for Consistency," that include notes on ideas we've all added to the RP, to stop us from contradicting ourselves. All that should make it easier for new players to join. [hr] Speaking of new players: Yeah, [@Xandrya], you can make a character for practically any position you can think of. I'd recommend reading the one-paragraph "adventure summary" I posted at the top of the I.C., plus the Notes for Consistency. That way you can be fully caught up without having to force your way through 42 posts :lol