Matthew watched her for a long while, aghast in silence. They'd lost a lot of people? Like, [i]a lot[/i]? How many? And to add to that here he was, some ass she had risked her life to pull out of the fire that burned a lot of her comrades, acting like he was cracking up. Her actual life. She had a [i]life[/i] she had to go back to? She was using her [i]vacation days[/i] to be here!? The thought had never even crossed his mind that she wasn't some kind of full time freedom fighter living on the lamb. Now she had to go back to a normal ass life, after all this, and pretend none of it ever happened? She was going to have people all around her expecting her to still be her with no knowledge of the feelings rolling around on the inside? He was in a bad way, but from his perspective what Mira was walking into was hell. "Mira." He said, hopping off the counter to stand beside her. "I should have said this earlier, but thank you. You saved my life. You save Jan's life. Without you, we would have both been completely fucked. I know that if you're going by the numbers it might seem like a drop in the bucket, but seriously. Thank you so much." [@Bazmund]