Leyla shrugged her shoulders. The Hutts were gangsters and anything involving them was bound to be dangerous in the extreme. Still when you lived on the edge dabbling in one of the crime syndicates bussiness was almost inevitable and far better it be casual cruelty of the Hutts than the organized malice of the Black Sun. What Bogga was asking could cost Jabba the Hutt alot of money and Jabba wasn't the sort to forget that kind of a loss. "What is the harm in taking a look? If it dosent look doable when we get there we walk away," Leyla said in a low voice. Unfortunately Bogga had better hearing that she had given him credit for. "Walking away is not an option girl," he boomed, sitting forward in obvious agitation. The emotion transferred to his entourage and Leyla began to wonder what her odds were of making it out of here if this turned into a shoot out. She ran through the old exercises and force herself to be clam, be focused. "Well then we won't start walking, pay us for the job we have already done and we will be on our way, best of luck to whoever you find to do this job." The logic of that rocked Bogga back on his diaz. He glared at the pair of them for long moments. Leyla wondered if he was foolish enough to have them killed if they declined after suggesting the job in a throne room that was certainly lousy with spies both either professional or opportunists. "Very well," the Hutt grumbled, reaching into a compartment beside his throne and tossing a pouch of credits to Cleo. "But I warn you, opportunities like this are given but once smuggler."