[i]My... Tunnel?[/i] The Onix, still not quite sure what was happening, lifted his head to look. Fell into his- Oh. Well. There was a hole. He knew where his tunnel lay, it was simply a matter of following the path with his eyes, and there, just yonder, was... It collapsed. He could tell, it wasn't dug, it had collapsed from strain. Which meant... His tunnel collapsed! The shame! Otherwise completely still, the Onix glanced at the Ranger briefly. He'd seen the uniform before, not that his Onix brain knew what it was exactly. It was the pattern he knew. Regan, for her part, was staring intently. It was lucky to be her that fell in, and not someone else! If she didn't have a student behind her, trying to pull her away, she'd have some [s]OCHA violations[/s] safety concerns to... Discuss. Onix sensed her restraint and took the opportunity to [i]reverse back the way he came.[/i] It was Regan's run to be surprised. "Do they... Normally do that?" She turned to look at Sarah.