[center][h1][color=yellow]Kristin Reynolds[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/25/00/8c/25008cd46a9a1caa0f968bf201dbae08.gif[/img] [I]Location: Comedy Club, Houston, Texas Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Kristin looked at Zeke wondering what his plan actually was at the moment, she looked over towards the windows high above the auditorium seeing some movement there, as they took up positions nearby, seeing that they were the Hunters. She moved over towards Leda and Zeke and whispered to them. [color=yellow]"Artemis' hunters are nearby."[/color] She said to them before taking a few steps back looking over at Marsyays who then looked at Calliope. "Nope, not letting her go she can judge using her eyes!" Marsyays yelled back as the cyclops looked a little bit bored after waiting forever. "Can we just eat them now?" One of them called out as the satyr gave the one cyclops who said that and gave him an annoyed glare before turning his attention back to Zeke. "I'll let her go if you can beat me in a dance off, and I challenge the son of Apollo. If you win i'll let her go, and if I win my one eyed friends get to have their feast." Marsyays said crossing his arms over his chest as Kristin looked at Zeke and couldn't help but snort slightly as far as she knew Zeke never danced at all. [color=yellow]"We are so dead."[/color] She muttered to herself.