Alexa scowls after the retreating Hermetician. And now that he's in the vents, he's basically untouchable. And there's enough vents here that finding him is basically an impossible task, short of lucking upon him by chance. Hmm. Perhaps Hades might be willing to lend his aid in the search, but the cost is more than enough to make her hesitate. But that's neither here nor there. Right now, she has grievously erred, and reconciliation is required before anything else can be done. Gingerly, she kneels, head against musket, and intones, "Forgive me, Mighty Captain, for my trespass against your domain. In exchange for not exacting vengeance, please accept my oath to present you with the head--" And the ship shakes as the Veterosk disengages, and Alexa's heart sinks. Because there's only one reason the ship would break off, is either because Redana has been captured or is otherwise not on the ship. "--ofthisrogueHermetician," she finishes as quickly as would not violate the form, and offers a textbook-perfect salute. Come on, [i]come on[/i], don't draw this out [i]please[/i]. Molech would gloat and lord it over her, please don't let's do that, she's getting [i]away.[/i]