[quote=@Ogobrogo] Speaking of which: got any ideas on how the teams will be split? No preference here, just curious. [/quote] I've been debating about it all day. When I was originally going to narrow it down to just three for one team, but a lot of different combinations worked well (or at least in my mind), and that's one of the reasons why I choose to just accept everyone. So like personally I would pay to see a team with Kimiko, Mizo, and Hoeski together as the three of them would be great to watch with their big personalities. But then that would leave Ataru, Kushizu, and Kana together, and the three of them would be a team of crickets who are always in their own heads. That's a team solely based on which personalities I think would be fun to see interact. Maybe in an AU they would be one... Just waiting on some final edits though, and I'll be posting the teams fosho.