[@SSW] I'm happy to say that Caster is accepted! Yggdmillennia will certainly appreciate having someone as useful as them around. [@Reflection] Berserker is accepted, though I would like to see more in the personality section soon! That is indeed something I neglected to make mandatory in the template and I'm glad you reminded me of that. [@vancexentan][@Anza] Assassin and Archer are accepted on account of being canon. As above vance, I'd like to see a personality section soon, but no rush. As for Ciel, he's looking good atm but there are a few things I'd like to workshop with you if possible. [@Blaze Gamma] There's some stuff I'd like to ask you about and/or workshop in PMs. I'll message you shortly. Keep it coming everyone! I can't guarantee a 0th post tonight because I am sadly no longer a young spring chicken with an abundance of free time, but I'll do my best to have it up soon!