[@Turboshitter] Well here's something I threw together and hope is good enough, I don't feel there are enough Masters yet to make something in the pre-existing relationships bit so I feel I'll wait a little while before I write down something there. [@Cu Chulainn] Your image is broken, it's not showing who I assume is going to be Venom Snake. [hider=Aletheia Matters] [b]Name:[/b] Aletheia Mathers Yggdmillennia [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 160cm/64kg [b]Alignment:[/b] True Neutral [b]Master of:[/b] Caster [img]https://i.imgur.com/T1GIAIL.jpg[/img] [hr] [hider=Personality] Smug, pushy and yet calm. Despite her Affinity, Fleecia does not burn overtly bright with determination or ideals, nor does she lash out at the world around her. Still, she pokes and prods as both a nuisance and a table-flipper when she finds that it’d either be amusing or bring about a state that’s more comfortable to her. Hard to rile up and her insistent nature only builds up, gaining momentum the more she lingers on a matter. To get her to back down is more of a battle of patience for when she abandons the matter… if she does anyway. Really, there are so many things in life to enjoy, one can’t spend all their time on one or two things alone! [/hider] [hider=Background] The daughter of a notorious bloodline. The explosion of mysticism in the 19th and 20th centuries was an awkward time for the Association. Among the quacks and fraudsters, the delusional and the true believers, there was something even more dangerous. Magi. Those who broke the greatest taboo of the Mage's Association, who sought to bring their knowledge to the masses. Those who threatened the very basis of the power that Magi dedicated their lives to studying. Broadcasting one's Mysteries is the same as cutting out one's tongue or amputating one's leg- unless it is absolutely required, it is a very. Bad. Idea. Yet somehow that didn't stop him. The Mathers are an offshoot of a clan that was once respected within the Clocktower. Luminaries in the fields of Spiritual Evocation and Divination, they were said to approach even the Lords as near equals... until their son squandered it. Aletheia's family has been forced to reinvent themselves from the ground up, tracing back their roots and assimilating new knowledge to reverse the damage done. Regardless, they've fallen far, and have lost significant respect and resources. In hopes of maintaining at least some of their power, they entered a contract with the Yggdmillenia Lord. They would aid in the founding of this "Yggdmillenia Clan", and lend it their power and knowledge in return for political support. And now, Aletheia is here. [/hider] [hider=Pre-existing relationships] Not enough Masters to write something coherent in terms of relationships yet, so I'll wait a little. [/hider] [hr] [b]Origin:[/b] Channeling [b]Element:[/b] Fire [b]School of Magecraft:[/b] The specialty of the Mathers is a result of desperation. A technique considered a curiosity or a practice of barbarism by the genteel Magi of the Clocktower. The act of inviting a spiritual body to dwell within one's flesh in order to access its knowledge and power. Shamans and Miko call on spirits of nature or kami. The Mathers invoke Angels, as any proper student of Hermeticism would. [b]List of Skills/Spells:[/b] [b]Magecraft:[/b] An accomplished clan, the Mathers have deep study into the fields of Spiritual Evocation and Divination. Further, they are also somewhat knowledgeable in Alchemy, Mineralogy, Runes, and have done a cursory study into Curses. Aletheia herself was a member of the faculty of the Department of Celestial Bodies, serving as an assistant instructor to her father. It hardly needs to be mentioned, but such things as Bounded Fields, Formalcraft, and other common Magecraft are well within her expertise. [b]The Rite of Eucharist: [/b]The rite of Eucharist is to take the divine into oneself. The principle behind Hermetic Magic is to invoke a divine being to work magic on one's behalf. It is easy to see how one could reach the conclusion that, if one's own magecraft is lacking, you simply need to become a being that is capable of much more. The ultimate goal of the practice would be to invoke the true God into one's body and thereby gain access to the Root, but that is a far-off matter. The practical use of this ability lies in Aletheia's ability to cause 'Angels' to dwell within her. This allows her to become significantly more powerful than a normal girl- not enough to equal a Servant of course- and allows the use of various other powers associated with the Angel she invokes. The other part of this practice lies in bidding Angels to objects, allowing the creation of quite potent familiars, through the ritual to do so is a long and tedious thing where the slightest error could result in an angry Angel ripping the unlucky Mathers apart, or even worse, calling a thing from the abyss like a certain associate of the Mathers Magi once did. However, by willingly letting a 'Divine Spirit' enter her body in the form of the Archangels, Aletheia's body will slowly start to burn and rot from the inside, the strain of such beings too much for a modern Magus to handle, even for one who holds the origin of 'Channeling' such as Aletheia. This makes channeling an Archangel a dangerous thing that should be used sparsely and wisely. Perhaps if not for the Magi this would not be the case, but alas. [b]منو وارد کن Kiraman Katibin:[/b] It is said that the 'Kiraman Katibin', named Raqib and Atid, follow around every person and record their deeds, good and bad, for use in their judgment upon death. By invoking them through her body or an object Aletheia is capable of creating two spherical familiars that can see through nearly any illusion and Bounded Field along with glimpsing the true name of any human. Through the power to see the names of existences such as Servants is beyond even them. [b]Michael Archangelum vas ingredietur:[/b] The most noteworthy example, and her main 'go-to' in a situation as perilous as the Great Grail War, is to invoke the Archangel Michael. Doing so makes her an incredibly adept warrior and allows her to combat evil and monstrous beings effectively. It also allows the use of quite potent Fire Element magecraft. [b]Gabriel Archangelum vas ingredietur:[/b] A spell on the opposite end compared to her go-to of Michael, by invoking the Archangel Gabriel allows Aletheia to proficiently use the element of water, while this provides the bare minimal increase in combat abilities the true power of the Archangel lies in the use of small 'miracles' of healing and Baptism Rites. [b]Metatron Archangelum vas ingredietur:[/b] A trump card that knows no equal, by invoking the Voice of God itself Aletheia can become an existence of incredible power, a mystical being which holds dominion over nearly all forms of magecraft, though this provides a boost in combat the true power of the Scribe lies in its power to invoke and bind lesser Angels, allowing the mass production of Mystic Codes of above-average quality. [b]Mystic Codes:[/b] [b]Talisman of Protection -[/b] A simple amulet strung around Aletheia's neck. Its purpose is to protect from hostile magecraft, interfering with attempts to target her through sympathetic means. It is of particular use against curses, as it takes in their karmic manipulation as an effigy of its bearer. [b]Azoth Blade -[/b] A simple, but well-made mystic code passed down and slowly modified by the heads of the Mathers family. The purpose of the blade is to store magical energy, a task it does well- so well has it acclimated to the Mathers' power, in fact, that it has taken on a new use in their craft. When Aletheia calls an Angel into her body, she can force some of it into the blade, storing a manifestation of its power for use even outside periods of possession. Alternatively, it can take on a form befitting the being who possesses her- most notably, a flaming sword [b]Circuit Quality:[/b] A [b]Circuit Quantity:[/b] D [/hider]