[quote=@Cu Chulainn] Went a bit hard at the end, but here's a Lancer to surpass Metal Gear. It's good that we have Byleth around, too. [hider=Punished "Venom" Snake] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/PrzPCkg7/image.png[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Cadmus [b]Title(s)[/b]: The First Greek Hero, Dragon-Slaying King of Order [b]Class[/b]: Lancer [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Attribute[/b]: Earth [b]Alignment[/b]: Lawful Evil [b]Personality[/b]: A dutiful king who serves both the gods and his subjects faithfully, believing firmly in the advancement of human order. A loyal, "knight" type Servant to his Master. However, Cadmus is plagued with guilt for his actions as well as the curse that sprung forth from them. Due to the weight of this guilt compounded by the disastrous fate of his royal line, he has firmly adopted the role of a "Demon King", serving as nothing more than a tyrant for the people to scorn and a dragon for the hero to slay. [b]Objective for the Grail[/b]: Probably [i]not[/i] killing the snake. [b]Biography[/b]: The legendary founder and first king of Thebes. Hailed as the first Greek hero, Cadmus's most famous exploit is the slaying of the Ismenian Dragon and the sowing of its teeth, creating the Spartoi. However, despite obtaining many victories as a leader and king as well as living a life in service to the gods, Cadmus could not help but feel regret for the slaying of the sacred dragon due to the ill fortune that came about after its death. "If the gods were so enamored by the life of a serpent, then I would be better off living as one myself." As he spoke those words, its as if a self-fulfilling prophecy had come to fruition. Scales grew out of his skin as his form shifted into that of a serpent. Cadmus, a hero who had lived as a man, would spend his final days as a snake. Even then, the kingdom that he had found would not be spared by the curse that plagued him, and would continue to plague his family for generations to come. [b]Weapons[/b]: His spear and his words. [b][u]Parameters[/u][/b]: STR: [b]B[/b] END: [b]C[/b] AGI: [b]B[/b] MGI: [b]A[/b] LCK: [b]E[/b] [b][u]Class Skills[/u][/b]: Magic Resistance: [b]A[/b] Class skill of Lancer. Cancels spells of A-Rank or below, incapable of being harmed by modern magi. In other words, a "Magus Killer." Due to the effects of a certain curse, Cadmus carries significantly high draconic attributes, granting him a naturally high resistance to magical effects. [b][u]Personal Skills[/u][/b]: Carrier of the Letter: [b]A[/b] Personal skill of Cadmus, who had brought the Phoenician alphabet from the East to the West, which was later adapted by the Greeks to form their own alphabet and onwards, serving as the progenitor of the Latin alphabet, the most widely used script in the world. A rare "cheat" skill that allows Cadmus to improve upon existing concepts by means of bestowing "Human Civilization" (to advance and to develop) with words alone. Fortifications become sturdier, weapons are made deadlier, maids become cuter, etc. Additionally facilitates the use of [i]Spartoi Ismenios[/i] in order to create more complex structures. Affections of the Goddess: [b]B[/b] Affections of Harmonia, goddess of harmony and concord, and wife of Cadmus. Bestows [i]plus[/i] corrections to things made or created by Cadmus, such as the structures built using his Noble Phantasm, as well as non-material entities such as alliances and organizations. A blessing that ensures the order that Cadmus enforces shall stand resolute. Charisma: [b]B++[/b] Composite skill consisting of a person's charm and talent to command or unify an army, increasing the morale of allies in group battles. Allows one to sufficiently lead a nation as its king. Plus corrections are granted both due to Cadmus's role as a civilization founder (granting modifiers to leading others in building) and as the first to sow the Ismenian Dragon's teeth (granting modifiers to lead the Spartoi). Because of these factors, his charm has developed into a form of curse, and a form of [i]Self-Suggestion[/i] is possible. [b][u]Noble Phantasm[/u][/b]: [b]Name[/b]: Spartoi Ismenios [b]Title[/b]: [i]Sown the Seeds of War, Bring Forth Civilization[/i] [b]Rank[/b]: A+ [b]NP Type[/b]: Anti-Army [b]Range[/b]: 1 ~ 99 [b]Maximum Number of Targets[/b]: 800 people The Demonic Spear of Cadmus, made with the bones of the Ismenian Dragon, and its tip crafted out of the sacred dragon's many teeth. A [i]Spear of Civilization Building[/i] that serves as a symbol of his rule. Passively, the Noble Phantasm allows Cadmus to take control of the Spartoi, who take on a diminutive form. Through the Spartoi, Cadmus is able to construct a variety of things in a matter of moments, either from raw materials gathered around him or formed by his own magical energy. From simple structures such as a wall to block enemy attacks, to more grand fortifications such as arenas. While the time it takes to build structures is negligible no matter how big or small they may be, more magical energy is consumed the larger or more complex the structure may be. In other words, a simple tool meant for building. By invoking the true name of this Noble Phantasm and lunging the speartip into the ground, Cadmus is able to bring forth the Spartoi in their true, more terrifying form. An army of dragon tooth warriors is brought forth from the earth, born from the sacred dragon of the War God, Ares. While they are unable to take more nuanced orders due to their thirst for battle and their in-fighting, they can easily be directed to an enemy camp, unleashing a wave of devastation in their wake while carrying the unique effect of "setting the foundation for a new city." Civilization is born from destruction, and order cannot be enforced if chaos is not first unleashed. It should be noted that the true power of this Noble Phantasm would be better expressed if Cadmus were summoned under the Caster class. [hr][b]Name[/b]: Város Harmonia [b]Title[/b]: [i]Order's Accursed Chain, Weigh Heavily On The Guilty[/i] [b]Rank[/b]: C [b]NP Type[/b]: Anti-Unit (Self) [b]Range[/b]: 0 [b]Maximum Number of Targets[/b]: 1 A beautiful necklace crafted by Hephaestus, a wedding gift given to Harmonia as she was wed to Cadmus. Takes the shape of two snakes, a symbol of Cadmus and Harmonia's intertwined (and ultimate) fate. However, rather than the true cursed necklace of beauty belonging to Harmonia, it is instead a crystallization of the curse of ruin that plagued Cadmus and the royal line of Thebes after his slaying of the Ismenian Dragon, a sacred serpent which was said to be the favored child of Ares. A powerful divine [i]curse of order[/i] that Cadmus is forced to bear, this necklace enforces Cadmus with the fate of "a life of absolute obedience in service to the gods." While this necklace would direct Cadmus's fate towards this direction, it does not necessarily prevent Cadmus from defying the gods with his own free will. Instead, defiance against the gods sports their own unique consequences. Should Cadmus act in a matter that would be deemed as against the will of the gods, whether it would be disobeying their orders, disrespecting their authority, or acting in a matter that is completely unruly, a change would occur to Cadmus's body, molding his Saint Graph to be closer to that of the Ismenian Dragon. While these changes would remain permanent, Cadmus is able to control this curse to a degree utilizing his [i]Self Suggestion[/i], but as he gets closer to becoming a serpent, Cadmus would continue to lose more of himself to the curse as his Saint Graph is altered into that of the Ismenian Dragon. Even as he is summoned, Cadmus already bears some of the sacred dragon's attributes, his Saint Graph already carrying the burden of the curse placed upon him. A Noble Phantasm that serves as an eternal reminder of Cadmus's sole transgression against the gods, and a grim reminder that his life should be spent in service to the gods. If he so wishes to act out of his station and defy the gods and to act against human order, then he would be better off as a serpent than a man. As his Saint Graph is completely changed, he would become the antithesis of what he once was. Rather than a "King of Order", there would be a "■■■■■■ of Chaos" in his place. Rather than a heroic dragonslayer, there would be an evil dragon in his place, awaiting another worthy challenger to take its place... [/hider] [/quote] LUL