Set ought to be arriving to Marianne right about now, but she is busy having the jump scare of her life. It's all she can do not to cry out loud (years of meditation and focus training just barely paying off). Instead her jump is a mental affair, yellow colors, cat scurrying underneath a pillow! Then a breath, that feeling of hatred. Set reflects that, yellow turning to angry red. [i]Idols of Ishtar and Ereshkigal burning[/i] and then a sort of tilted head, question mark. Did she understand the target of hatred correctly? And then, belatedly, [i]cat coming out of hiding, purring[/i] because she's delighted to meet the eyeless girl and it just took her brain a minute to catch up to that fact with all the intense emotions! Is the Eyeless girl walking somewhere or following her? Can they hide in shadows to converse? Hopefully she's not keeping Marianne waiting too long, right?