[hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZFBsm2b.png[/img][/center] [hr] Seshat stopped in her tracks. She’d heard a noise, over the sound of the wind. Her caution knew no bounds, after all. She turned and raised her rifle… Only to get hit in the chest by a ball of energy. Her armor shuddered from the impact as laser cannons unfolded from its shoulders, hi-tech sensors and her own ki sensing working in tandem to determine the source of the attack… Oh wait. She recognized them. Oh-Seven and Justin Haggar. The former showed potential, while the latter was every reason why humanity needed her guidance in the first place. Well-meaning, yet so youthful and brash. Grating, even. Especially since he had just shot her. The laser cannons folded neatly back into her armor, though her rifle remained trained on Justin. [b]“You idiot!”[/b] She hissed, her voice slicing through the wind like a knife. “Are you trying to start something?! Here and now of all places?! This is not the time!”