[@Turboshitter] Just finished this guy up - haven't made a character for an RP in a hot minute, so I might have gone overboard or tripped up in places. Let me know what needs to be cut, if anything. [hider=Master Sheet] [hider=Apearance (Kinda big image)] [img]https://safebooru.org//images/2806/9cd0b2831f67c860a9c45e6f47ad322daec969e4.png?2922801[/img] [/hider] [b]Name: [/b]Sláine Druiminn Yggdmillennia [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 7 [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 154 cm/ 47 kg [b]Alignment:[/b] Neutral Good [b]Master of: [/b]??? (Undecided) [hr] [hider=Personality]Sláine is extremely docile and nonconfrontational, preferring to be more of a wallflower and allow others to take the lead. This, as well as his almost purely supportive skill set, makes him a Magi that excels at working with others. He works best with those who are willing to take the lead and are capable of keeping him from getting hurt. In the standard Master-Servant relationship of the Holy Grail War, it would be difficult to say which person is actually the Servant. However, Sláine is also incredibly respectful and formal, going so far as to refer to close friends by their titles unless asked not to. These traits, however, are not Sláine's own. They were purposefully ingrained in him when he was created, as a means of control and to make him eager to serve the members of the Druiminn branch family. Many of these traits even 'turn off' when Sláine encounters members of the Mage's Association, causing him to be much more bloodthirsty and eager to start a fight. Sláine himself is not aware of the implanted personality he possesses, but most people who interact with the Druiminn family in any major capacity would instantly recognize it as a baseline personality that most Druiminn Homunculi possess. Other than being subservient and a coward, Sláine holds great affection for other lifeforms, especially plant life. He owns an immense garden back in his home of Cloosh Valley, and even in Trifas, he has managed to establish a respectable garth, albeit one lacking any phantasmal herbs. He spends large portions of his day in his garden, wither caring for his plants or merely attending to his other hobbies. Sláine will always attempt to choose the option that has the least violence and bloodshed, but he will acquiesce to almost anything if pressured. Of course, this is not the case when it comes to the Mage's Association. Sláine has a deep-seated grudge against the Mage's Association for killing one of the Druiminn ancestors and stealing the families Magic Crest. Sláine will struggle between attempting a diplomatic solution or a violent one, but he will instantly agree with anyone who suggests murdering members of the Association with little to no persuasion. When it comes to Association Enforcers, this bloodlust is only amplified. Sláine places those that care for him and protect him above others who don't, almost on a hierarchy of sorts. When anyone he cares for is threatened, he will take any action available to him to defuse the situation they are in, to the point where he would gladly kill dozens of bystanders to save a single person, and feel no guilt whatsoever. This is both a natural quality he has, as well as a trait that was artificially enhanced by the Druiminn clan - with members of Druiminn being automatically at the top of the hierarchy, followed shortly by the members of Yggdmillennia who were close to the clan during Sláine's creation. In his free time, Sláine enjoys reading in his Garden, with his favorite author being Daniel Keyes. He enjoys discussing literature with others, but his implanted fear of conflict causes him to struggle to argue with others, leading to most debates over themes or other aspects of novels being incredibly one-sided. Sláine once had an immense fear of fire, but like most undesirable traits, this was removed by his creator, leaving Sláine only slightly uncomfortable in its presence. Sláine's Mage Association bloodlust was only recently added to his personality and was implanted in him specifically because of the Holy Grail War. Sláine is aware of his sudden personality change, and he is struggling immensely with understanding why he becomes so aggressive so easily now. Sláine's "Wish" for the Grail is to give his Creator access to The Root.[/hider] [hider=Background] [hider=Family] The Druimmin clan is a minor family that has existed directly since 6th century AD, and could directly draw its ancestry from the ancient Celtic Druids. The Druimmins attempted to reach The Root through synchronizing and assimilating themselves into Gaia, developing Magecraft based on interaction with the natural world, and the lifeforms that dwelled in it. Unlike most Mage families they had 2 to 3 children every generation rather than a single one, with the ones that did not inherit the Magic Crest serving as back up heirs and researchers for the Family Magecraft. They steadily grew in power over the centuries, eventually reaching their peak in the late 1600s. The Family Head in 1660, Róisín Druiminn, was capable of using a Marble Phantasm - combined with her skill at Healing Magecraft and her Elemental affinities of Wind, Water, and Earth, she was the pinnacle of the Druimmins. Good things don't last forever, though. With the onset of the Industrial Revolution, the Druimmins steadily lost power as their connection to nature faded, and there Status as Humans overwhelmed them. Over the next two centuries, the Family would continue to splinter into new groups as second and third sons and daughters left the clan, stealing the Magecraft of the various Elements that the Druimmins have mastered. By 1914, with the start of the First World War, the Druimmin was forced to join the Mage's association to stop themselves from floundering. At this point, the only Magecraft that remained to the Druimmins was their Life Magecraft, the spells that had a connection to healing and the living things in the natural world. This was also the weakest Magecraft that the Druimmins had, as these Magecrafts suffered the most from the Industrial Revolution. The Druimmins were a shade of what they once were. Until 1952, when Daithí Druimmin discovered a method of physically melding plants and humans into a single lifeform - and by doing so, the Druimmins would be able to shed their status as pure humans, and begin rebuilding their once great legacy. The Mage's Association saw things differently. The Melding ritual was useful and needed to be stored. In some ways, Daithi Druimmin was considered the greatest Druimmin ever known - he was given a Sealing Designation a few months after his discovery. By the time Enforcers caught up to him, the Druimmins had access to all of Daithi's research. It made little difference, however - while the Druimmin's had access to a way to retain their former glory, the Magic Crest they had developed for over a Millenia was gone, stolen by the Mage's Association along with Daithi's body. The Druimmin's slowly recovered over the next few decades, creating a new (albeit complete trash) Magic Crest. They resided almost exclusively in their hidden grove within Cloosh Valley, protected by Bounded Fields, nature spirits, and even dryads. The Mage's Association never found where they were located, leaving the family plenty of time to stew in their anger. When Yggdmillennia opened its arms to foreign families, the Druimmin's were some of the first to join thanks to their thirst for vengeance. The Druimmins began learning the method of constructing Hommunculi shortly after they learned how to fuse themselves with plants. Since the vast Majority of Druimmin's were limited to little if any movement, they needed someone to act as their manipulators for the world at large. Nature Spirits and familiars only worked in the wilderness, but Homunculi were incredibly appealing due to their mutability. Druimmin's skyrocketed in their ability to craft Hommuncli, at the cost of ignoring nearly all other aspects of Alchemy, and their family Magecraft research slowing to a crawl. While they weren't able to create Homunculi nearly as advanced as the Musiks or Einzberns, the Homunculi of the Druimmin's had incredibly mutable minds - the Druimmin's could implant instincts into their Hommunculi, allowing them to alter the thought processes of their servants with little effort. Advanced Homunculi crafters in the Druimmin clan could even implant certain skills inside of their Homunculi. Currently, there are 8 Druimmin, of which only 3 are capable of movement. One of these 3 is Sláine himself. [/hider] [hider=Sláine] Sláine was created only 7 years ago, but he has already lived over a quarter of his lifespan. He was initially designed as a 'Gardener' Homunculus, meant to maintain and care for the tens of thousands of plants in Cloosh Valley, as well as provide care for the older members of the Druimmin clan. The Druimmins, being skilled at manipulating the minds of their Homunculi, created Sláine with many artificial traits, such as an aversion to conflict and a natural subservience to those he talks to. Sláine's creator, Amelia Druimmin, is seen as a goddess to Sláine, with her request being the primary reason he left for the Grail War so easily. Amelia, unlike most other Druimmin 'Alchemists', dearly cared for her creation. She relied on only Sláine after the death of her first homunculus, and her homunculi were known among the Druimmins for their higher quality and expense. She even went to the effort of performing the same ritual that is performed on Druimmin magi upon completing their Magecraft training, implanting a specially made phantasmal plant species into Sláine's body. This only further cemented Amelia's superiority in Sláine's mind, and it was at this point that Sláine became the second homunculus to inherit the Druimmin name. Over the next 3 years, Sláine would continue to care for the plants in Cloosh Valley, but he would be given more and more area to care for as time went on. By the time he turned 4, he was the first person with the name of Druimmin to leave their secluded woods in nearly half a century. Many homunculi had beaten him to exploring the outside world, but most of the Druimmin clan preferred to rely on Sláine to exercise their will since he was far more skilled in Magecraft than his fellow Homunculi and had access to his Mystic Code. When preparations for the war began, the Druimmin sent Sláine to act as a force multiplier for Yggdmillennia. Sláine himself was anxious to move outside of Ireland for the first time in his life, but he left on Amelia's order, shortly afterward arriving in Trifas. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Pre-existing Relationships] [i][u]Amelia Druiminn:[/u][/i] The person that created Sláine, he holds her above all others. He holds her in the same reverence one would hold for a god, and he holds her word in extremely high regard. Members of Yggdmillennia can make him agree to nearly anything, merely by mentioning her name or her opinion on the topic at hand. [i][u]Druiminn Family:[/u][/i] The majority of the Druiminns are loved by Sláine, since they were directly responsible for him being created, but they also kept him from becoming a Mana Battery like most of the Homunculi created by Yggdmillennia. Even the ones that have turned to more cruel methods of research such as human experimentation are cared about by Sláine, albeit he visits them less frequently than others. Most members of the Druiminn branch are completely immobile from fusing with certain plants, live in Ireland, or both. [i][u]Ciel McCarthy:[/u][/i] The McCarthy and Druiminn families have performed research with each other in the past, prior to the Industrial Revolution. Little contact has been had since then, however. Sláine is nervous around Ciel since the latter is so skilled with Flame Magecraft, but he respects the history that their families had. (Rest to be filled out when all characters are submitted.)[/hider] [hr] [b]Origin:[/b] Restoration [b]Element:[/b] Wood [b]School of Magecraft:[/b] Druidcraft, along with a mix of Spiritual Surgery/Healing. [b]List of Skills/Spells: [/b] (Spells that activate the + modifiers of Sláine's Magic Circuits will be marked with a *) [i][u]Basic Druidcraft:[/u][/i] Not a spell, but a small collection of spells selected for convenience for Members of the Yggdmillennia family, specifically those of the Druiminn subgroup. These include [u]Tròcair Llyr[/u], a spell that takes minimal magical energy and condenses the water vapor in the air into a container the caster touches. [u]Èiginn Amaethon[/u] takes nearly all of Sláine Od, and is a spell that massively boosts the lifecycle of a plant. This can cause a Sapling to become a full-grown tree in a matter of hours, or cause plants to drop dozens of fresh fruits in mere minutes. This growth cannot be stopped once started, so most plants will die in a matter of a day or two. Finally, there is [u]Stiùireadh Druantia[/u], a spell that instantly gives knowledge of all plant and animal life in a 5-meter radius, but can be boosted massively with higher Magical Energy costs. In less Urban environments, like a Forest, this can allow someone to navigate the area with their eyes closed. [i][u]Làmh Diancecht*:[/u][/i] Healing Magecraft of great power, this was one of the primary reasons the Druiminn family survived in the Mage's Association political landscape for as long as they did. Làmh Diancecht is capable of curing nearly any wound, disease, or poison within seconds, merely by applying the caster's hands to the patient's skin. It's even strong enough to allow a normal human to survive standing next to a Hydra... for a minute or two. The primary limitation in this is the magical energy requirements involved - Even with Sláine's large stores when it comes to Healing Magecraft, he is only able to cast this spell twice before running out of Od. That's not even including that the spell has a Ten-Verse incantation, making it difficult to pull off in combat. [i][u]Maighstir Brigit:[/u][/i] An application of Healing magic on plants, this spell allows for the manipulation of living plant matter, forcing highspeed growth that is desirable for the user. For example, a tree could be shaped into a living home (over the course of several days, due to the Magical Energy required), or a cactus could entrap an enemy. Costs less magical energy than Èiginn Amaethon, but this spell can not be used to generate mass amounts of fruits or seeds. Only currently existing plant matter can be generated. [i][u]Teanga Ogma:[/u][/i] Through physical contact with a plant or animal, Sláine can see their recent past. When used on Plants this is only really good for seeing when the sun was blocked, or if something stepped on a patch of grass. However, this can be used on Animals to see anything they've experienced in the last day, allowing for much better tracking of others as well as finding certain information. It also can be used to pacify either plants or animals on contact. It cannot be used on Humans, Servants, or phantasmal species created from Magecraft of a Caster or a Servant's Noble Phantasm. Vastly less expensive when used on plants. [i][u]Dìon Lugh*:[/u][/i] Passively accelerates the healing of living creatures in the surroundings by granting them a connection to the surrounding plant life. In areas with immense amounts of plant life, like a forest, this is incredibly effective to the point multiple major wounds could be healed over the course of an hour or two. In more urban parts of Trifas, this would only double a person's natural healing rate at most. This is a combination of Spiritual Surgery and Healing Magecraft, restoring both the Body and Mind, as well as lessening the effects of certain Curses. The base range is 5 meters from Sláine, but this can be increased by increasing Magical Energy cost. Every 5 meters added to the range doubles the Magical Energy cost. Due to his Mystic Code's nature and it being a physical part of his body, Sláine benefits from 1.5x as much healing than another person would in his aura. [i][u]Medical Knowledge: [/u][/i]Sláine is skilled at patching other people up, a combination of ingrained skill as a Homunculus as well as passion from his Origin. He can perform First Aid very effectively, dress most wounds and prevent infection with supplies that can be found in nature, and even perform simple surgeries, such as removing bullets from certain parts of the body. Due to the lack of proficiency with technology that most magi possess, Sláine is mostly restricted to archaic supplies and whatever he can gather from the surroundings. [i][u]Gardening:[/u][/i] The Druiminn family used to be one of the primary advising staff in the Department of Botany of the Clock Tower during their brief membership in the Mage's Association, specifically being the heads of the Department of Agriculture. They mostly taught the proper methods of growing various plants, both mundane and phantasmal, as well as some of their more basic uses. Sláine inherited this knowledge and can grow plants more skillfully than most others. [b]Mystic Codes:[/b] [i][u]"Parasitic Vines: Dorn Morrigan", the Flowers of Algernon:[/u][/i] Less of a Mystic Code and more of a physical part of Sláine's body, this artificial plant species implanted inside of Sláine is a coiling mass of Vines, thorns, and Flowers. They act as a sort of Prehensile Circulatory System, circulating blood throughout his body while also being moved and manipulated at his will. When Sláine is cut, he can forcefully push the Mystic Code out through the wound, allowing him to use the vines to attack or map out his environment. They're strong enough to support up to 100 kg in weight but can only hold 70 kg without strain. and while they are only as durable and sharp as mundane plant thorns, their high speeds can make them an effective weapon against other Magi (albeit worthless against almost any real defensive Magecraft). The Mystic Code can be extended about 500 meters in a single line before starting to negatively impact Sláine's ability to circulate blood, and he can store a total of 7 Flowers before needing to remove any. The Mystic Code rapidly generates new vines and flowers (around 50 meters of vine and 1 flower daily), but destroying large sections of it at once or setting Sláine on fire would devastate his circulatory system. The real use of this Mystic Code, however, is its ability to steal portions of a natural attribute of other living things by forcing one of the flowers into them. This includes things such as a person's physical health, the stamina from someone who just slept, or the nutrients from a plant. However, only Physical and Mental qualities can be stolen, not qualities that are based on the soul like Mystic Eyes or Magic Circuits. It also can't steal traits that aren't present at birth, such as a skill someone has learned or someone's memories. The process is completely temporary in nature - within the span of a day or two at most, the stolen quality will slowly diminish until it is gone, while slowly returning to the person it was stolen from, with the implanted Flower dissolving in the host's blood at this point. Finally, physically removing the implanted Flower with surgery or Magecraft will instantly restore the stolen trait. This process of stealing can be done in reverse, which is usually what Sláine uses his Mystic Code for - a means of transferring his own stamina, health, and other attributes to his allies. [b]Circuit Quality:[/b] C+ (+ modifier applies when using Magecraft connected to his Origin.) [b]Circuit Quantity:[/b] C++ (++ modifier applies when using Magecraft connected to his Origin.) [b]Other: [/b] Sláine is able to speak Irish, Scottish, Gaelic, and English. He was unable to speak Romanian prior to the war, but the Druimmin implanted knowledge of it in him. Sláine will respond to the vast majority of nicknames given to him, even if they are rude or derogatory. Sláine has to remove large amounts of vine and flowers that his Mystic Code generates daily, or else he would have vines unable to fit in his body that constantly trail behind him. Sláine made up the name Flowers for Algernon for his Mystic Code after reading the titular novel, and prefers to use that over the actual name.[/hider]