Frosiien followed Andy with a small smile, she watched the Primeape with enthusiasm, she was glad to see a trainers Pokemon so excited about a gym battle; although she was more excited to see a Gym battle take place first hand. The figure on the rooftops moved quickly, spinning as they darted down to the bottom of the Gym and slipped behind it, twisting their form into something more Humanoid. Their hair was deep purple and slicked back into three thick spikes, They wore a black masquerade typed mask over top of their intense blue eyes. They wore a lighter purple vest over their black dress top, Their pants were straight dress pants, in the same black as the dress shirt. They wore a belt over top of their vest, which tied up into a lose bow at the back of their vest, which matched the same colour as their hair. They scowled as they moved to take the mask off and tucked it behind the vest, pulling out a pair of black sunglasses before walking towards the Gym entrance. Why was his cousin [i]here[/i]? He thought to himself, his nose almost twitching, He knew StarFall took place near the Shrine where the little twerp of a Celebi rested, but why was she in [i]town[/i]? He sneered at the thought of Frosiien being captured by a human, [i]Disgusting things.[/i] He thought to himself as he walked into the Gym, moving his left hand over his slicked back hair. [hr] Gavin nodded at his words, "I'm sure they'd be intrigued by her as well." He said with a bit of a laugh, "They don't get to meet humans very often. And even then, they're often scared off by Storm." He leaned back again and closed his eyes, focusing on the air around them as his tail slipped from his belt loops as swayed softly. "Michael." He asked after a moment, opening an eye to look directly at the human male. "What do you know about StarFall?" [hr] Li gave a gentle nod at Mabel's words, moving to settle down a few feet away from her. He tucked his wings around his body and moved back into his 'loafing' position, with everything tucked around him. He rested his head on the nook of his wings as he looked over the city quietly. [i]"I have never seen a city like this before..."[/i] Li uttered after a moment of silence, he looked to Mabel with a small smile. [i]"Thank you for allowing me to accompany you."[/i] [hr] Niccia's eyes lit up when Mindy mentioned about the treat shop. "What are contests like?" Niccia asked with a tilt of her head, "I've heard things about them but I've never had the nerve to enter one myself." [i]"Glitter?"[/i] Sparky asked as she lifted her head up, [i]"Who needs to buy glitter when I can Make Glitter!"[/i] She said before she proudly let out a small stream of what would seemed to be fire, if it wasn't so glittery. She stopped it after a couple of seconds before cutting it off, watching the glimmering energy fall below her. [i]"See!"[/i] She looked to Mindy as if to receive a Praise, forgetting she couldn't understand her.