[center][color=violet][h1]~ NEITH ~[/h1][/color] Tag: [@Eviledd1984][@Jerkchicken][@Utrax][/center][hr] Just as Neith and Micah were about to proceed to the building he pointed, Neith was surprised to see the large female orc she saw back at the tavern. Neith could tell she recognized the two of them too judging by how she reacted. Should Neith go and say hello? She barely knew the woman but it wouldn't hurt to make new friends. Maybe she could know a thing or two about this supposedly cursed forest. Just as she was about to approach her, Neith was surprised when the orc unslung her horn from her back swiftly and played it while looking at the forest. Neith's body froze, shivers running down her spine while the orc played that haunting music. It was just so weird and out of the blue for someone to play that kind of music, especially when everyone in the town was fast asleep and everything was practically covered in darkness by how dimly lit the lamp posts were. Aside from being scared, the elf was irritated by what the orc did. She didn't know if she also had some weird connection to the creepy forest or if this was just a prank but this had to stop. Before she could do anything, the group was approached by another person. Seriously, all these people popping out of nowhere will give Neith a heart attack. It was also a huge coincidence when it was the same guy she saw back at the tavern. In fact, it was the same guy she bumped into a while ago. Another coincidence for him to still be here like the orc woman. Just what the hell was going on here? [color=violet]"Wait, you're going into the forest too?"[/color] She asked the guy in confusion. It took her a second to remember that a lot of people were probably interested in this forest like her as well. They could either be competition in finding that lost treasure inside it or they could be very helpful to her in getting that treasure if said treasure really did exist. [color=violet]"This is really weird... What kind of business proposition are we talking about here?"[/color] After asking another question to the guy, Neith pointed at the orc woman. [color=violet]"And can you please stop playing that song? It scares the shit out of me."[/color]