[quote=@Heavy Snark] [@Turboshitter] About going less "fighty fight" I'll attempt to do something about it, though if I start having problems on that end I might just switch to another character I've got made already, a Chimera maker ala Shou Tucker. Also about asking for permission I didn't notice someone already had made the Caster due to her/him/them(?) not being in the character tab when I started making this sheet. Well better late than never. [@SSW] Would you be alright with Aletheia being Tiresias Master? If not then I'll ask someone else. [/quote] If you can’t make Aletheia less fighty-fighty, then a chimera master sounds excellent as well! They both sound like great characters, I’m just looking to enforce a certain theme/aesthetic of Yggdmillennia being the “quantity” to the Mage’s Association’s “quality”. Your characters can be badasses but ultimately you’re still the scrappy underdogs in this scenario, so it’s to your benefit not to funnel too many resources into direct combat when you have Servants to cover that angle anyway. As the 0th post hinted, I’m going to be fleshing out the Red Faction Masters that never got to show up in Apocrypha and they are [i]monsters.[/i]