[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZrB57gK.jpg[/img][/center] The Guild was definitely different than what it had been a few weeks prior. It was a startling change for Holly, who had subconsciously become used to the relative quiet of the Guild's daily operations, and to the small group of people that she knew as friends. Now, there were people in the Guild that she didn't know at all and would most likely not meet for a long time, but almost all of those people knew [i]her[/i]. It was odd to be recognised within the Guild by people that she didn't even know, but she knew she would grow used to it. Holly was smart enough to know that the hype would die down eventually, and things would become stable once more - but definitely not go back to the way they were before. Holly had stopped peeking out of her window in the mornings. Even though it was on the second floor, she didn't feel secure enough to even put a hint of her face at the window in case a reporter was waiting. Most of her second floor windows remained closed with the exception of a few outliers, meanwhile her ground floor windows remained just as closed as they always were. Now, it was only when she made her way out into the garden in her armour that she could stand for a moment and enjoy the sight of the flower bush that she had put so much care into growing. She had to ignore some of her fans, who were waiting and watching, but she had managed to grow used to [i]that[/i] part, at least. Walking the streets to the Guild Hall was certainly different, too, because now it wasn't just the shop owners along her path that knew her (though now they knew of her in a little better capacity), but those that she passed in the street also gave her more of a look that they had a few weeks prior. She was happy that Fenixtear actually meant something now, but it was still a little odd to be stared at more than before. All she had to do was ignore the countless questions that she was receiving on her journey, for if she stopped for them all she would make it to the Guild a few days later than she intended, or perhaps she would never make it at all. For a brief moment, she imagined herself putting a job on the board for a couple of the newbies to escort her from her home to the Guild, and the thought made her smile. Not only would it be funny, she imagined it would probably brighten a few of their days if she did. However, she was not going to be doing that. Holly made her way into the alley that once held a quiet and peace, though now could probably be called a street of it's own for the amount of traffic that it now got. Definitely not as much as the main streets, but she knew people walked past just to see the hall, or to go to the souvenir shop that had opened nearby. Definitely not as peaceful as before. Entering the Guild Hall, it was to no surprise that Gwendolyn was already walking around without any concealment of her body, much to the enjoyment of her fans. Holly's first destination [i]had[/i] been the job board, but as she made her way over to it, she took the time to stop, turn, and glare at Gwen. There were many different reprimands that Holly wished to speak, many different variations of [i]put your clothes on before I kick your ass[/i], but instead, Holly settled for a cold glare, and just two words. "Clothes. On." She spoke, before continuing on her destination. She didn't want to spend more time on it than she had to. Holly's eyes caught sight of a job very quickly, one that interested her the most, and she took it off the board to read it. [i]Lift the curse from the haunted woods![/i] She took her time in reading the details of the quest, a grin showing on her face. She was [i]definitely[/i] going to be taking this one. But, she figured she had to take a few of her Guildmates with her - while she was perfectly happy to take the quest by herself, she knew that she had a responsibility to make sure her lower-ranked guildmates got their shot, if they wished to join her, or if she permitted them to do so: A lot of her Guildmates would barely be able to imagine what some S-Rank quests got the mages into. A few candidates immediately popped into her head, and she turned to face the Guild to sight them out. [color=red]"I [i]suppose[/i] I should take someone with me for this S-Rank Quest,"[/color] she says, loud enough that she could be heard, but not loud enough to be picked up as purposefully asking for volunteers. Her eyes, and the gaze of her helmet, rested upon Gwendolyn. [color=red]"It would be a good way for someone to, I don't know, escape from those who wish to peer upon them, though clothes would help with that too,"[/color] she spoke, equally as loud, and this time clearly directed toward Gwen. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ONLD7SF.png[/img][/center] It took Jasper a few moments to awake from his slumber, but when he did, he had no idea where he was. His head bolted upright and surveyed the room he was in, filled with all sorts of people, before quickly realising it was the Guild Hall. He vaguely remembered that he had been sitting in the Guild Hall before, but at a different place, one of the tables a little further in. It took him a bit longer to realise that he had probably fallen asleep, and that someone had most likely moved him to one of the tables in the corner of the Guild Hall so that he was out of the way and undisturbed as he had slept through the night. Not to mention someone had draped a blanket over him, which he had [i]definitely[/i] not had before, but was appreciated. Jasper slowly sat up, moving the blanket off of himself and onto his lap, and took a proper look around the room to see who was in the Guild Hall whilst rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes. From the sounds of it, it was probably Gwen that had woken him up, as she was partway through yelling at people who were staring at her. He quickly diverted his attention away from her to survey the other faces (and helmets, in the case of Holly who was just now entering the Hall). Soon enough, someone would probably notice that he was awake and approach him, but for now Jasper was quite content with just sitting and observing. He didn't want to walk into the groups, not yet - he still wasn't familiar with a lot of the people there, and he wasn't sure he wanted to be stared at as much as Gwen was.