Some part of Ridahne did not want to go outside and take a break. Once she set herself to a task, she was difficult to sway from it, and she was really determined to figure this out before they left Lihaelen. That determined part of her itched at leaving behind the books and scrolls and sheaves of paper, but then the moment her mind entertained the idea of picking up the pen, she faltered a little and felt that dread loom over her again. Plus, she realized, it wouldn't just be for her sake. With equal parts resolve and reluctance, Ridahne abandoned the study and followed Darin outside into the fresh air. It had a wonderful fragrance. Wilderness in Azurei often smelled like dust, but here among the trees, the wind wafted a delicate fragrance of crushed pine needles, of soft earth, and the gentle decay of fallen detritus on the forest floor. Despite Darin's efforts, Ridahne was too perceptive, and too knowledgeable of Darin and her moods to miss the panic that welled up in the human. Ridahne could almost feel it from where she stood. The elf wasn't certain what was on Darin's mind, and she hadn't yet made up her mind whether or not to press her directly about it. Ridahne just placed one cool hand on Darin's shoulder, her grip firm but gentle as if to pass on some of her stony resolve to the human. In that moment, she wished Hadian was there. He had often been an anchor for her, as his implacable personality lent itself naturally to being soothing and calming. Ridahne did not have this natural charm, but she did her best anyway. "You've got something on your mind." It was a simple statement, not accusatory or tinted with any kind of judgement, and all that it implied was that Ridahne was there if she wanted to talk about it. Her father used to talk to her like that when she was upset. He never pressed her, though he did always initiate a conversation open ended enough for Ridahne to decide whether or not to expand on her thoughts and feelings. She always felt like it gave her a modicum of control when she felt she had none.