For your consideration: [hider=Nowhere to Hyde] [center][img],/youmurderer-bb.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [color=c11b01]Inspiration:[/color] [url=]Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde[/url] [color=c11b01]Abilities/ Skills: [/color] [b][color=f7976a]Advanced Intelligence[/color] -[/b] Ward's father came from a scientific background and the young man has a natural affinity for knowledge in general. His modified genetics, thanks to his father's altered genes, also aid in his ability to process, analyze and memorize information. Because of this, his is multilingual, an expert chemist and fluent in most forms of technology. The nearly constant activity in his mind often gets in the way of his sleep. On any given day, Ward typically only rests for a couple of hours before getting back to work. [b][color=f7976a]Highly Durable[/color] -[/b] While Ward can't flip a car over with his bare hands, his body is unnaturally fortified. While he can be broken, it would take a lot of concentrated effort. For example, if you were to hit him with a car, he would likely pick himself back up and dust himself off before going on with his business, but if you were to shove a grenade down his throat, he would most certainly be done for. Bullets will tear through his skin, but they wouldn't necessarily be able to make it through his bones unless they were high caliber armor piercing rounds. [b][color=f7976a]Combat Proficiency[/color] -[/b] Ward's physical strength is comparable to any other human, however he has trained himself in various forms of armed and unarmed combat and is proficient with a variety of weapons, which aids greatly in the day to day operation of his criminal empire. [b][color=f7976a]Telepathy[/color] -[/b] Ward's supernatural mind is so advanced that he soon discovered he could enter others' minds as well. While the ability to rapaciously read a person's mind is incredibly difficult, especially depending on the person, his ability to communicate with others through a mental connection is easily done. On weaker minded individuals [i](Read: mostly Trash NPCs)[/i], he can even induce behavior akin to hypnosis. While the limits of this ability are not currently known, he mostly uses it as a supernatural walkie talkie to direct his cronies or terrify his enemies. [color=c11b01]History:[/color] Dr. Henry Jekyll gave birth to Mr. Edward Hyde through chemical induction, creating a monster composed of his own evil. Mr. Hyde was conniving, harbored murderous intent and had a power of will that eventually overtook Jekyll's psyche. Soon Dr. Henry Jekyll ceased to exist, being consumed by his own creation. Eventually, there was only Hyde. The potion that gave Hyde life also gave him power. His body and mind were forever altered, fortified and corrupted. As Edward Hyde made his way in the world, he satisfied whatever urge happened to pique his interest, including those of a carnal nature. That is where our story starts for our Ward, the one and only son of Mr. Edward Hyde. Ward grew up a bastard to a whore. Nothing about him fit the mold of "normal". One need only be within a few paces of him to feel his eerie presence. Quiet and calculating, fearless and also horrifying, Ward is certainly his father's son but perhaps an improvement upon the original. Whereas his father was known to be a man of monstrous strength, Ward's greatest power does not live in the fibers of his muscles. Instead, his horrifying abilities come from his mind. Growing up in poverty, Ward quickly learned meaning of survival on the streets. While his mother turned tricks, he busied himself with organizing scores, small time burglaries and pickpocketing with a gang of like-minded youths. His prowess for strategy and action was obvious to all and as the years went by, his small gang of street rats turned into a criminal empire with him at the head of the table. Ward's abilities manifested when he was in his teenage years and were invaluable to cementing his status as top dog among his degenerate ilk. He would terrorize his foes, entering their minds and relentlessly haunting them, pushing them to the brink of madness until they surrendered to his will or forfeited their life. Everyone in his hometown grew to know his name, but none would dare speak it. He was the living Boogeyman who ruled the city with an iron fist. He had one demand: Fall in line or bleed. Even his own mother grew to fear him. She lived alone in a luxurious home that Ward bought for her, filled with hired help that would see to her needs, but calling it a 'life' was a stretch of the word. She was an animal in an expensive cage from which she would never be allowed to escape. In Ward's mind, he was keeping her safe. To her, she was a prisoner. Ward's supernatural infamy and penchant for bloodshed eventually caught the attention of the Lord of Darkness, who presented Ward with a lucrative offer. Join him and open up up his assets for Dracula's use and in return he would give Ward access to more power than he could ever hope to gain on his own. While Ward wasn't sure if he truly needed what the vampire was offering, his curiosity was formidable enough that he gave in and agreed to combine resources before formally taking a seat on the Council of the Night. [color=c11b01]Goals: [/color] Ward's goal is to conquer. He wants life to bend to his will and he will stop at nothing to accrue the power he needs to make that happen. [color=c11b01]Theme Song:[/color] [url=]Killing Strangers[/url] [color=c11b01]Notes:[/color] The original Mr. Edward Hyde (Senior) is said to still exist in the world, though Ward has no interest in seeking him out. In his mind, if his father wants nothing to do with him then, in return, he wants nothing to do with his father.[/hider]