With the passing of a simple command, the battle was on. The [i]Moray[/i], feigning death, jumped to life as its major systems came to full power; the unsuspecting vessel had repudiated its apparent state of stillness and instead, adopting vengeful purpose through aggression. Despite the lesser grade of its comparatively lackluster armament, the Charon-class transport brought forth a full volley of disruptor beams into the portside of the pirate vessel. At what was practically considered knife-fighting range, the seemingly meager broadside slammed into the shield of the larger and unlawful ship, rocking its hull by the full-powered impact. It was undoubtedly a wake-up for the pirates, having suffered a foundation-shaking blow from an otherwise underpowered foe. Seeing the threat before them, literally a whisper away, the pirates summoned their own reply in the form of a concentrated broadside of large plasma projectors. The lumbering turrets shifted in-place, setting their sights on the defying transport ship. But the [i]Moray[/i], now propelled by its now active engines, quickly moved beyond the firing arcs of the pirate ship's cannons. Aggression and speed were the smaller ship's only means of preservation as it glided just off the sizzling surface of the pirate vessel's barrier, tightening the distance between it and the blind points of deadly armaments arrayed against it. The Moray fired again, disruptor fire now pushing the ships apart. With the pirate ship distracted by the impulsive fly that was the [i]Moray[/i], the [i]I.S.S. Prize[/i] had then entered the fray, answering the call to battle with a quad-salvo of azure-lighted lances. Despite its shields withstanding the Prize's opening move, the powerful impact forced the offending vessel into a bow-forward dip in orientation. Setbacks aside, the pirate ship corrected is posture and lurched forward, ignoring the Moray's harassment and engaged the [i]Prize[/i]. The later and intimidating vessel discharged its plasma cannons and rapid succession followed the dispensing of several ship-to-ship torpedoes. A devastating combination of firepower but repulsed by the [i]Prize[/i]'s shields. The three ships were then locked into their attack vectors with the Moray keeping to the pirate ship while it and the [i]Prize[/i] exchanged blows face-to-face. The space between the ships lit up with emerald, ruby, and sapphire energized-munitions, displaying a brilliant lethal lightshow while shield impacts gave off dazzling strobing effects that- Gue'rach stopped writing and placed the datapad upon his desk. A large frown manifested itself upon Gue'rach's tough and prominent facial feature as he reviewed his own writing. Apparently, he allowed his culture's societal method of recounting recent conflicts into official documentation to run amok. With an annoyed growl, the scrolled up to the top of his written work and highlighted several lines, prompting his datapad's auto-correct feature, empowered by Terran logic, to re-write segments of the colorful literature into cohesive and straight forward descriptors of the battle. Most of the report prior mainly contained time-stamped examinations of each action taken by him and the rest of Beta as they restored the [i]Moray[/i] to operational functionality. Technically, the job was more of a literal makeshift ploy than doing any favors for the original crew of the [i]Moray[/i], especially when it involved turning a non-combat vessel... into a combat vessel. How his professional and procedural writing spiraled into a short story was beyond him. Actually, he was surprised he didn't include Commander Pearson's well-executed plan of dispensing a gaseous drug into the pirate ship's ventilation which happened the pirate's in their ability to fight a two-pronged attack against them. That may have explained while his apparent interpretation of events seemed more, lively, than what occurred. After going back and making corrections to his report, he continued from where he left off, explaining that at some point during the hostile exchange, the pirate ship's attacks had slowed and eventually ceased entirely, resulting in a victory for the [i]I.S.S. Prize[/i], along with the successful rescues of the hostages. Despite the victory, the hostages had to be treated while Beta team, assisted by additional engineers from the Prize, made the necessary repairs and adjustments to the [i]Moray[/i]. Honestly, it would have been bad form to hand the crew back a ship that just saw combat. After a few hours, the [i]Moray[/i] was fully restored to proper working order, now at operational capacity with the original crew taking over. With that, the ships left their separate ways. It was ironic though that despite being the more advanced and well-equipped ship between the two, it was the Prize that came out with battle damage that required the entire vessel return to docks for repair, thus delaying the crew's prior assignment. An annoyance for sure, but it is what is it is. Upon looking through the corrected report, Gue'rach tapped the digital 'submit' button on the datapad, prompting the article to be sent and filed through official management channels. The Auval’kotor rested back into his chair, satisfied with his work. However, he only allowed himself a brief respite and before he knew it, it was already back on his feet. Gue'rach had volunteered to, temporarily, assume Sergeant Jvwuwh'vei... Rod's, responsibilities as a security officer when his main duties were fulfilled for the day. After donning his uniform once more, he headed out of his quarters to make the rounds around the ship.